I dont think he's ready to date yet

a soccer game take almost 2 hours to watch, a football game used to be closer to 3, sometimes 4

a drag race, even a slow one 15 seconds and you're done...that fits my attention span
and as impressive as the 7 second cars are, the 13, 14, 15s usually give a better race to watch
To each his own. If everyone thought the same it would be a boring world.
I'll agree that "real world" drag cars are more enjoyable for me to watch.
a soccer game take almost 2 hours to watch, a football game used to be closer to 3, sometimes 4

a drag race, even a slow one 15 seconds and you're done...that fits my attention span
and as impressive as the 7 second cars are, the 13, 14, 15s usually give a better race to watch
On that point I agree with you have no need to watch a bunch of guy’s Chase a ball around or put them on ice carrying sticks chasing a piece of rubber around with steel blades strapped to they’re feet. Or the best one ever, you have this little white ball. It’s in your hand you have it, now you set on a small wooden peg, wind up smack it with a club and go chase it. No sense to me at all.
On that point I agree with you have no need to watch a bunch of guy’s Chase a ball around or put them on ice carrying sticks chasing a piece of rubber around with steel blades strapped to they’re feet. Or the best one ever, you have this little white ball. It’s in your hand you have it, now you set on a small wooden peg, wind up smack it with a club and go chase it. No sense to me at all.
ill watch paint dry before i watch someone playing golf
He's just smart. No matter how handsome the opposite sex is.... stay on target and treat yourself right and stay single. A life of ease, not having to share your stuff, having extra spending money, no one there to hen peck your life to death.

Hopefully he stays smart and doesn't let a little needy but beautiful creature sway him.
I couldn't agree more.

I feel sorry for you. Never knowing the trials and smiles of your kids and grand kids. Seems like a selfish waste of a life. My opinion for what it is worth.
Not everyone wants to or even should get married. Some of us aren't wired for that -- I know I'm not. I'm incredibly happy living alone. For others to look down their noses at people like me who choose to remain single and choose to remain child free, and then say they feel sorry for me, is utterly insulting and arrogant and presumptuous.

Maybe people who remain child free know they would be terrible parents? Maybe they hate kids? Or maybe they understand how wildly overpopulated the world is and don't wish to contribute to the problem? There are an infinite number of reasons for someone choosing to not have kids, and for a stranger to assume that anyone else is just like them is narrow minded.

Has anyone seen the news story of the moms in Massachusetts who are so frustrated with parenting during the pandemic that they have to go to a football field and scream their heads off? You won't see me screaming my head off out of frustration, because I lead a stress-free life. I designed it that way.

If you want to get married and have kids, do it. If you don't, don't. But don't come into my house and tell me how I should be living, and I'll do the same.
As much as one may like to choose what their offspring will do.

Sometimes it just doesn't happen.

It's called being an individual.

You can "educate" and forbid/allow all you want, but you cannot force.

I used to belly laugh at all the people I overheard in my younger days saying things like - "my baby is going to college",. or, that they would be a certain profession.

You can't force any of that any more than you can force them to date or marry a person of your choosing.

Trying to force the issue will likely lead to a very toxic environment for most all concerned and possibly permanently separate your family.
I don't know how many of you have read "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, but this post reminded me of this poem:

I couldn't agree more.

Not everyone wants to or even should get married. Some of us aren't wired for that -- I know I'm not. I'm incredibly happy living alone. For others to look down their noses at people like me who choose to remain single and choose to remain child free, and then say they feel sorry for me, is utterly insulting and arrogant and presumptuous.

Maybe people who remain child free know they would be terrible parents? Maybe they hate kids? Or maybe they understand how wildly overpopulated the world is and don't wish to contribute to the problem? There are an infinite number of reasons for someone choosing to not have kids, and for a stranger to assume that anyone else is just like them is narrow minded.

Has anyone seen the news story of the moms in Massachusetts who are so frustrated with parenting during the pandemic that they have to go to a football field and scream their heads off? You won't see me screaming my head off out of frustration, because I lead a stress-free life. I designed it that way.

If you want to get married and have kids, do it. If you don't, don't. But don't come into my house and tell me how I should be living, and I'll do the same.

Two things,

1) the world is not overpopulated. That kind of thinking can easily lead to democide.
2) those "moms" are spoiled rich C.U.N.T.s (Can't Understand Normal Thinkers). They are living in the most prosperous free and safe society in human history and they can't handle the stress of parenting in spite of the advantages and lack of stress to life and limb? What the actual **** do they think child mortality was even fifty years ago, not to even mention five thousand years ago. To say nothing of death in childbirth. Or food poisoning, or better yet no potable water as in cholera outbreaks, or how about when the nobility gets to scrapping over a piece of land and their sons and husbands and fathers are impressed into the army of some noble, and they are lucky to even return simply missing limbs. We don't have to worry about the great potato famine now days. Hell, these weak bitches can have tropical fruit on their lap in the middle of winter, as they drive tbeir children to school in a warm car with airbags down the freeway while talking on the phone bitching at their husbands because they want a new granite kitchen countertop because the old one os the wrong color!

Do not tell me that they have a life of stress and privation.

Is life still nasty, brutish and short?
And maybe people that like to be single are dating a few different people at the same time. Variety is the spice of life. Marriage is a construct of the church, humans are not monogamous creatures, why is the divorce rate so high? Cus people like having sex with different people. Also a “Marriage License” is one of the most binding 3 way contracts on earth, with 2 humans and an artificial entity known as the goberment… as Fishman said, he will figure out where he wants to put his finger…
I couldn't agree more.

Not everyone wants to or even should get married. Some of us aren't wired for that -- I know I'm not. I'm incredibly happy living alone. For others to look down their noses at people like me who choose to remain single and choose to remain child free, and then say they feel sorry for me, is utterly insulting and arrogant and presumptuous.

Maybe people who remain child free know they would be terrible parents? Maybe they hate kids? Or maybe they understand how wildly overpopulated the world is and don't wish to contribute to the problem? There are an infinite number of reasons for someone choosing to not have kids, and for a stranger to assume that anyone else is just like them is narrow minded.

Has anyone seen the news story of the moms in Massachusetts who are so frustrated with parenting during the pandemic that they have to go to a football field and scream their heads off? You won't see me screaming my head off out of frustration, because I lead a stress-free life. I designed it that way.

If you want to get married and have kids, do it. If you don't, don't. But don't come into my house and tell me how I should be living, and I'll do the same.
Sorry I came off that way, maybe my choice of words was not the best. My apologies I would never dream of telling anyone even my adult kids how to live their lives
Two things,

1) the world is not overpopulated. That kind of thinking can easily lead to democide.
2) those "moms" are spoiled rich C.U.N.T.s (Can't Understand Normal Thinkers). They are living in the most prosperous free and safe society in human history and they can't handle the stress of parenting in spite of the advantages and lack of stress to life and limb? What the actual **** do they think child mortality was even fifty years ago, not to even mention five thousand years ago. To say nothing of death in childbirth. Or food poisoning, or better yet no potable water as in cholera outbreaks, or how about when the nobility gets to scrapping over a piece of land and their sons and husbands and fathers are impressed into the army of some noble, and they are lucky to even return simply missing limbs. We don't have to worry about the great potato famine now days. Hell, these weak bitches can have tropical fruit on their lap in the middle of winter, as they drive tbeir children to school in a warm car with airbags down the freeway while talking on the phone bitching at their husbands because they want a new granite kitchen countertop because the old one os the wrong color!

Do not tell me that they have a life of stress and privation.

Is life still nasty, brutish and short?
Your first point is arguable. I agree that the pendulum could (and likely would) swing in the other direction if too many people thought that way. You've probably read the news articles about the lack of new births in recent years and how that will affect the economy in the future, and it will be interesting to see how that pans out. The global economy does rely on the population being what it is; if it dropped drastically, we would have a big problem. But do I think we have too many people? Yes. Earth won't be able to sustain the population if it continues to grow at the rate it's growing. It should be curbed. Just my opinion.

I wholly agree with you on your second point. But that is today's American society and I want to stay as far removed from that as possible.
Sorry I came off that way, maybe my choice of words was not the best. My apologies I would never dream of telling anyone even my adult kids how to live their lives
I appreciate that, and likewise. I wasn't aiming what I said at you personally, maybe it was a knee jerk reaction because at 45 years old, I'm starting to hear the comments and implications that being single at my age means that I'm a failure at some level. It's sometimes hard not to become defensive.

Re-reading your comment, I think I understand what you meant. For someone to get so much joy out of something (like having children), they would want everyone to experience that same joy. Is that kind of what you were getting at?
I appreciate that, and likewise. I wasn't aiming what I said at you personally, maybe it was a knee jerk reaction because at 45 years old, I'm starting to hear the comments and implications that being single at my age means that I'm a failure at some level. It's sometimes hard not to become defensive.

Re-reading your comment, I think I understand what you meant. For someone to get so much joy out of something (like having children), they would want everyone to experience that same joy. Is that kind of what you were getting at?
Yes but it’s not only joy it’s all the other feelings you get from family. Sharing, looking out for one another, doing things together, heart ache, comfort and the list goes on. Never meant to step on anyone’s toes. At this point in my life there’s more behind me than in front. No regrets. Yet lol
I couldn't agree more.

Not everyone wants to or even should get married. Some of us aren't wired for that -- I know I'm not. I'm incredibly happy living alone. For others to look down their noses at people like me who choose to remain single and choose to remain child free, and then say they feel sorry for me, is utterly insulting and arrogant and presumptuous.

Maybe people who remain child free know they would be terrible parents? Maybe they hate kids? Or maybe they understand how wildly overpopulated the world is and don't wish to contribute to the problem? There are an infinite number of reasons for someone choosing to not have kids, and for a stranger to assume that anyone else is just like them is narrow minded.

Has anyone seen the news story of the moms in Massachusetts who are so frustrated with parenting during the pandemic that they have to go to a football field and scream their heads off? You won't see me screaming my head off out of frustration, because I lead a stress-free life. I designed it that way.

If you want to get married and have kids, do it. If you don't, don't. But don't come into my house and tell me how I should be living, and I'll do the same.
Well said Righty. Some people out there shouldn't reproduce either even though they do.
I couldn't agree more.

Not everyone wants to or even should get married. Some of us aren't wired for that -- I know I'm not. I'm incredibly happy living alone. For others to look down their noses at people like me who choose to remain single and choose to remain child free, and then say they feel sorry for me, is utterly insulting and arrogant and presumptuous.

Maybe people who remain child free know they would be terrible parents? Maybe they hate kids? Or maybe they understand how wildly overpopulated the world is and don't wish to contribute to the problem? There are an infinite number of reasons for someone choosing to not have kids, and for a stranger to assume that anyone else is just like them is narrow minded.

Has anyone seen the news story of the moms in Massachusetts who are so frustrated with parenting during the pandemic that they have to go to a football field and scream their heads off? You won't see me screaming my head off out of frustration, because I lead a stress-free life. I designed it that way.

If you want to get married and have kids, do it. If you don't, don't. But don't come into my house and tell me how I should be living, and I'll do the same.
We all come from different backgrounds. I came from a land and culture where arranged marriage is a thing and I almost became a person whose life could have been planned by someone else. The stranger I could have married would have determined how many babies I had and when and I would have had to go with it and not complain.
Through a chain of events I ended up here in the USA in my teen years and in college.
I have my freedom now and I'm holding on to it like a football player clings to the ball in the end zone.
I choose to be a mechanic which is not possible in the old country. I chose to be in the car hobby and I chose mopar as my brand of choice. I also choose bud light and hamburgers.
I am never going to put myself in a position where I get told what to do by anyone.
I don't mind kids but I find I prefer when the kids I'm around are someone else's and go home at the end of the day.
So what you are saying is if a good looking Jewish or Hindu girl shows up at the door and asks “Can Bobby come out out and play “ Unfortunate for you and Bobby
We all come from different backgrounds. I came from a land and culture where arranged marriage is a thing and I almost became a person whose life could have been planned by someone else. The stranger I could have married would have determined how many babies I had and when and I would have had to go with it and not complain.
Through a chain of events I ended up here in the USA in my teen years and in college.
I have my freedom now and I'm holding on to it like a football player clings to the ball in the end zone.
I choose to be a mechanic which is not possible in the old country. I chose to be in the car hobby and I chose mopar as my brand of choice. I also choose bud light and hamburgers.
I am never going to put myself in a position where I get told what to do by anyone.
I don't mind kids but I find I prefer when the kids I'm around are someone else's and go home at the end of the day.
You hang on to your freedom as you should. It's weird, some people don't know what to do unless they're being told what to do, others dig their heels in and rebel if they're being controlled.
A thousand years ago, I dated a Jewish woman ( I was raised a Catholic), so I had much to learn. One cold snowy night I was told I was going to meet her parents.
But I am cold , tired and just want to go home.
You are going to meet my parents
Okay , got there, both college profs, they had never seen anyone with four layers of clothing on, not to mention steel toes on. Mother in law sowed a yarmulke with the words Honorary Jew. curled up on the couch, slept for days, too bad she stepped in front of that bus. Never met more loving people
A thousand years ago, I dated a Jewish woman ( I was raised a Catholic), so I had much to learn. One cold snowy night I was told I was going to meet her parents.
But I am cold , tired and just want to go home.
You are going to meet my parents
Okay , got there, both college profs, they had never seen anyone with four layers of clothing on, not to mention steel toes on. Mother in law sowed a yarmulke with the words Honorary Jew. curled up on the couch, slept for days, too bad she stepped in front of that bus. Never met more loving people
Great story, just shows people are too fast to judge people.
We spend 9 months trying to get out and a lifetime trying to get back in..... The games never changes.... Just the players lol....

We spend 9 months trying to get out and a lifetime trying to get back in..... The games never changes.... Just the players lol....

i was once a man trapped in a womans body...untill i got born
Current laws in the US make marriage a huge financial risk for males for the most part.
Divorce, for the most part, was the biggest pay raise I ever got. Most of my divorced friends were not so lucky and were destroyed financially.