I dropped of another kitty to get fixed today.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2016
Reaction score
Freeport, PA.
Another Tortie so it 99% being a girl. She’s (Tattoo) about 7 months old and while I was filling their feeding bowls was able to gently grab her and place her in the trap. With the cold weather I’ll have to keep her inside for a couple of days. I love her so much it’s going to kill me yo put her back outside. I’m up to six inside and feeding 4-5 outside. My heart says to keep her and my brain said John you are a nut. So I prayed for some guidance on the way home from dropping her off. Since the day i adopted Hemi, Propane, Leala, Roman, Nick, Galaxy, Tumbleweed, and Autumn my cold cold heard has gotten softer and softer and I needed that. Roman had FIV and passed away last year and Propane the year before that. It killed me losing those two. I’m naming this one Tattoo and outside I have Twilight, (mom) Bandit, and Blackie. Here’s Tattoo watching me bring in my Chewy order yesterday.




I LOVE torties! I'd adopt one in a heartbeat too. Longhair torties are the best!
My dogs grew up from puppies with our cat (who is unfortunately peering at the rainbow bridge, 15+?), so if I find one.....
With four shepherds, there are no stray cats around here, and the white tails know enough to stay out of our yard, lol.
Tattoo is simply Gorgeous!
Remember.... a man can never have too many old Mopars, old Mopar parts, or CATS!!!! (unless you have maybe 20 or more ALL living in the house!) :BangHead: :thumbsup: :steering: :poke:
Good looking cat.

I took Lady- gray mottled long hair manx that we've been fostering and Ninja- almost a tuxedo, medium har black with big white chest spot.

...to Humane Society this morning to get fixed/vaxed.

Sadly taking both of them to a new rescue this afternoon, to hopefully find their people.

Good looking cat.

I took Lady- gray mottled long hair manx that we've been fostering and Ninja- almost a tuxedo, medium har black with big white chest spot.

...to Humane Society this morning to get fixed/vaxed.

Sadly taking both of them to a new rescue this afternoon, to hopefully find their people.


I hope they find their forever home
We are in the planning stages of converting our 11x38 screen porch into a cat friendly and cat escape proof area with doors to the house.

I'd also like to include an "air lock" so that cats can't dart out while we go in and out.

That should allow our crew of (now up to) nine indoor cats to spread out more.

The roughly 1500-1600 square feet in the house they have access to gets a little tight after 8 or 9.
With my long racing weekends I am probably going to have to buy one of those automatic litter boxes. Either that or take about three with me.
I've had two that will sit in my pants while they are around my ankles during "business".
Another Tortie so it 99% being a girl. She’s (Tattoo) about 7 months old and while I was filling their feeding bowls was able to gently grab her and place her in the trap. With the cold weather I’ll have to keep her inside for a couple of days. I love her so much it’s going to kill me yo put her back outside. I’m up to six inside and feeding 4-5 outside. My heart says to keep her and my brain said John you are a nut. So I prayed for some guidance on the way home from dropping her off. Since the day i adopted Hemi, Propane, Leala, Roman, Nick, Galaxy, Tumbleweed, and Autumn my cold cold heard has gotten softer and softer and I needed that. Roman had FIV and passed away last year and Propane the year before that. It killed me losing those two. I’m naming this one Tattoo and outside I have Twilight, (mom) Bandit, and Blackie. Here’s Tattoo watching me bring in my Chewy order yesterday.

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That is one seriously camo cat right there! Beneath that crusty exterior lies a good heart! Thanks for keeping them safe and warm.
I have one big ol brute in my house , and thats enough .. I feed a couple on my deck, got a heated house for them , I actually think they prefer to be outside

Outdoor Heated Cat House

Mine like to smell outside once in awhile but between cold, heat, dirt, hawks on my property, coyotes, fights with other cats, not sure of your next meal, etc I think they are quite happy in my house. Their first day in is filled with probably some of the most restful sleep they’ve ever had.
I've had a heated house for ferals, for 5 years. They would eat in there, but never camp out...
I’m scheduled to have two fixed tomorrow and the lady assisting the trapping was late to get here not showing up till 1:30. 6:50 pm and nothing yet so at 7:30 she’s bring a drop trap that I have to activate. Two of them are sitting two feet from the trap’s waiting to be fed. Lol. Gonna be a long night I guess.
It's an art.

They are not as easy to outsmart as one might think.
It's an art.

They are not as easy to outsmart as one might think.

This lady had trapped 100’s of cats and I told her I think it going to be harder than you think. Mom is a little wild girl. She said no we will have two tonight. Well maybe do if I stay up with a pull string in my hand. Lol. 8am appointment in the morning.
here's my rocky rocket , with her new boys riley and rossco , rocky rocket as a kitten , with her sister . torties are very cool she was one of four in her litter , sadly three pass as just after they where born , but we had to nurse little rocket back . an eye dropper of warm canned milk , every few hours . and she started eating at her mom's tit again . funny thing is rocket and her sister are like two in one . when one is frantic the other wraps the other up and settles her down . i've had lots of cats , i've never had two be that close .







Well I caught Bandit (male) and Blackie (male I think) in about five minutes with the manual drop trap. Got them transferred over to the cages to take them tomorrow. Reset the drop trap and caught mommy five minutes later. I’ll have to take two trips tomorrow morning.
I’ve got outside strays that showed up 3 years ago when we had our first snow storm in 20 plus years in San Antonio. I opened the shed up for them and they still come by every morning for food and water and when it gets cold they know the shed is cracked open and now have heated cat houses in there. I don’t know how they service the winters up there. I have never been a cat person until Dobie and Serious black showed up.
I’ve got outside strays that showed up 3 years ago when we had our first snow storm in 20 plus years in San Antonio. I opened the shed up for them and they still come by every morning for food and water and when it gets cold they know the shed is cracked open and now have heated cat houses in there. I don’t know how they service the winters up there. I have never been a cat person until Dobie and Serious black showed up.

I brought in my first feral 10-12 years ago. He’s been to several Halloween Classic races, camping, keystone several times too. And now I have 7 inside and feed three more outside. This will make 8 cats fixed in 6-7 weeks. About 700-800.00 worth so I’m done. For now.