I finally graduated..here comes the debt.



Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
Amelia, Ohio
Well after sitting in classrooms for the majority of my life that time has come to an end. I finally graduated college and that was honestly one of the toughest things I have ever done looking back on it. Now I am confused and lost haha...any advice from other college graduates is welcome....or advice from anyone from that matter.
My daughter in now 27 and just got her bachelor's, she's been going to college since she was 19. LOL Working full time most of the time as well.

Something will come around for you. Congratulations
I graduated with a BS degree on the 5 year program and lots of student loans nipping at my heals. I drifted from job to job for about 2 years and finally settled into a profession not associated with my degree. I have been within this field for the past 15 years. Who would have thunk it? :banghead:Best advise I can suggest is networking with everyone and and everything regardless if it is in your degree field or not. I still do it to this day and has been very useful and profitable for me!
Congrats and good luck!
Put simply, unless you have a degree in IT, Science, or business (finance, accounting, etc) good luck finding a job.
That said (and I'm not trying to be a dick) a Bachelors degree Ain't **** anymore. It's a hard crappy fact. 30-40 years ago a bachelors degree made you stand out. Today every Tom,Dick,Harry,Jane has a bachelors, so to stand out you need to bump up your education to at least a Masters Degree. That will help you be more competitive in the job market. Oh and something else to think about, when the economy does pick up again who do you think they will hire first; a person with a bachelors or a person with a masters?
Now that I pointed this all out, your job market depends on where you live and if you're willing to relocate. Best of luck to you.
I actually just got hired on as a maintenance tech. for an apartment company, its decent money and 40 hours a week so I am just going to work that while I apply for my dream jobs....My degrees are in criminal justice and sociology so I am going to apply for jobs like FBI and CIA and all that cool stuff then if it falls through I'm going to try and get a job for some sort of cool company related to cars like Jegs or Summit or something like that...if all else fails then I am going to just sign up for the police academy.
Congratulations on earning your degree! Man, I know it's tough; my son just graduated last year and him finding a good-paying job hasn't been easy. I've read a lot of articles that even question whether getting a degree is worth it, considering the high percentage of graduates who don't even find a job in their major field of study......not to mention many of them accept jobs that don't even require a degree! If at all possible, I would say.....try to start your own thing, your own business.

All this isn't to try and bum you out.....I'm just saying you might have to "think outside the box" a little more nowadays.

Have you considered OCS in one the military branches? Would look great on your résumé for the FBI CIA.

Good Luck!
congrats...........do what you enjoy, we don't get to come back and do this again
That said (and I'm not trying to be a dick) a Bachelors degree Ain't **** anymore. It's a hard crappy fact. 30-40 years ago a bachelors degree made you stand out. Today every Tom,Dick,Harry,Jane has a bachelors, .

Thanks to the diploma mills that our government has no problem signing checks to and sticking the students with the bill. My neighbor is finishing his bachelors on some online school (Ashford) and his business 300 classes are such a joke. Double spaced 3 page term papers and 5 week classes.....the bar has been lowered so much I can't believe these scam schools still hold credentials. Soon everyone will be a Dr. to bag groceries. :wack:

Oh, and congrats!