I Got A Job!!!!!

WoooooooooooHoooooooo!!!!!! :cheers:

Way to go Joe. That's just awesome news. Couldn't happen to a better guy. All the best in the new job, bro.

Thanks Brother! :cheers::cheers::cheers:

I normally don't drink but I think I'll hoist one for you.
Corona Light...here's to ya

Thank you Tony!

Congrats, It's good to see things picking up. Just last week I was bumped from 32 hours to 45, first time I've seen more than 32 in six months. Hopefully the upswing continues. Good luck!

10-4 Brother! Lets hope this stuff works for everyone!

That's Awesome! Glad all that job hunting finally paid off. I believe I'll tip a few for ya tonight:drinkers:

Fire it up catsncudas!

I try to stay away from the booze on the weekdays,but this calls for one.......

Yeah it does! Cheers my friend!

This is how I feel: "I'm baaaack! I'm back in the saddle agaaaaiiin!" :toothy10:

Awesome to hear someone has some luck in the current job market.

I've been sending out resumes since May and haven't managed one interview yet. Thought I had a couple of possibilities a few weeks back, but neither went anywhere. Luckily, I'm not completely out of work yet, but I've known since Feb. my job won't make the end of the year. Got a solid end date of Dec. 24th back in July, now I'm just trying to find something before that to minimize the financial impact.

I've been out since 3/10. It's a ***** brother. I'm just happy that I've been able to survive since then. Good luck my friend and don't loose the faith!

Joe let me be the 35th ish person to congradulate ya, that's great news and couldn't happen to a more deserving gentleman. Just think no more kraft dinner.:toothy10::toothy10:


STEAK!!!!!!!! I swear the dogs have been eating better than me and I've been very, very close to find out what their treats taste like. :toothy10:

Right On !!!

Absolutely great news, Joe.

I, too, was hoping it was you when I saw the post. Gee, get a little busy at work and miss all the fun.

I will hoist one in your honour, when I get home from work.

So, ya know you'll have to post a pic of your fancy new work truck. Better be a Dodge :-D.

Cheers, my friend. :cheers:

Thank you my Doberman owning friend! I still think we need more pics of those guys! :read2: Thank you again so much for your support! And yes, Damn straight it better be Dodge!
Great news Joe,things are looking up all around!Give the doggies another treat in celebration!:cheers:Your on your way!
Just got off the phone with memike. He's at a pool tournament in Paragould but is headed home to join the party. :eek:ccasion: He'll be along shortly.
Great news Joe,things are looking up all around!Give the doggies another treat in celebration!:cheers:Your on your way!

Yes Sir! I'm so damn glad. I'm Glad I'm glad, lol! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3GIQ86eu6c

Just got off the phone with memike. He's at a pool tournament in Paragould but is headed home to join the party. :eek:ccasion: He'll be along shortly.

I hope he kicked some ***! And thanks for getting a hold of him, you are a true man among men.

Great news Joe, glad things are working out for you!!! :cheers:

Thanks 66! Maybe it was the Jeep chicks you posted for me! :read2:
The folks that hired ya are the winners.

Isn't that the truth......:read2: Company truck, steak for the pups ;-) LOL....Life Is Good :-D


WOL.....WOL.....;-) :-D

First person I called was my mom. :-D I got the call @ 1:51 MST and the Fed-Ex guy just delivered the offer letter as I type this! I start 11/9. :clock:



I got the call at 7:23
I said good bye to a few old farts and came home with a 1/2 pint and a 12 pack Joe , Well maybe thats to much information :-D I am still on a cloud :rock:
Thank you for the call Grumpuscreature :cheers: I was with a couple folks that don't have a job and looking to and they said to give you a Hell Yea!!!!!
My picture to be ran off a printer :drinkers: Shoot :-k there was something I wanted to say when this day came and I can't think of it :banghead:
I was out signing up for some pool shooting time for the winter and enjoyed the good new's :rock::drinkers::drinkers:

My thread I have been waiting for my brother :thumbrig::drinkers:

Getting things started to run 4 barrel 129.jpg

Getting things started to run 4 barrel 130.jpg
YeeeeHaaawww!!!!!!!! Whatcha gonna be doing? Come down off the ceiling and let us know. 'Bout wore out my new knee over this. Way to go!!!!!!
Very cool :rock::-D you did the happy dance for the both of us :cheers:
You caught me getting out of the house looking for something beside's these wall's :-D
I missed the big announcement 8) But you got me up to date :rock: and made my night even better :rock::drinkers:
Thank you very much for the phone call brother David :cheers:
Oh man am I happy to hear that :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: I feel like I've been stressing about it as much as you (probably not)

That is freakin awesome news and I really needed some right now, way to go :cheers::cheers: I think I'm going to hoist several in your honour tonight Joe :-D:-D:-D
Better get the big gear out tonight :-D It's a heavy loud :cheers:
I'm so happy I could bust!

You got the job :rock::rock::rock::cheers: here here brother Joe :drinkers::drinkers::drinkers: and a shot of Tequila :-D
I have been waiting for the day to see this post bra it's so good to be saying these words
I was out looking for a list of pool tournaments and a little relief away from the house when I got the great new's by a phone call :cheers:
There was a few folks there giving ya a Heeeelyyyeaaa :drinkers:
So I jumped back here after I got all the info and grabbed me a cold 12 pack and a 1/2 pint of Tequila for the rest of the week :-D
I bet that Maxi and Merlin can feel the energy and is happy too 8)

WoW I don't want to quite talking :-D Just think how I would be in person :toothy10:
A big congrats to you RC. Sometimes I feel bummed out on this site due to the amount of people out of work and struggling day to day but this is some really great news! Hope you enjoy the new job. Kev