I hate wrinkle paint!!!



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Orlando fl
man ive been trying to spray this right for 3 days now im in FL, ive been using plastic kote wrinkle paint for my aircleaner trying to give it the original wrinkle finish ive sprayed the thing just as it says 1st time it didnt do anything so i stripped it all back down then resprayed it an layed it in the hot FL sun and it wrinkled a little but not like it should i'll prob spend another $8 can n do it again anybody use a different type of wrinkle paint that works better
I can never get it right either. Maybe send it to Leana to have it Powder coated.
when i did mine they came out just right first time, when i did mine i sprayed them in three different directions, first u spray it long ways across the whole thing, then u then i sprayed it sideways and then u spray it on an angle in a crass hatch pattern, then i baked them in the oven for an hour at 100*f and they came out amazing. i hope this helps you out
I used krylon wrinkle paint on my m/t valve covers and they turned out great, i had no problem with the finish and no problems so far, but the car hasnt been driven much but they have been warmed up and everything and the paint is still on there. check out my 'cuda restore' thread there are pictures on there of them
I just got done doing one of those yesterday in fact! It turned out marvelous (if I do say so myself LOL).

Since it's always been my policy not to share photos of customers' work until THEY see it first for themselves unless they tell me otherwise, it will be up to RumbleFish Rob as to whether I share his before and after pictures here immediately or wait a few days until he's seen it and is happy with the results. I'm sending him a PM now and will await his decision.
HEY! Good morning again. (Rainy days do that to me.)

Sure, post a picture. No harm, no foul, post away.

On the Black Wrinkle paint from a rattle can, I have had results vary alot depending on temp, humidity and sun or not. The finish would end up ethier very mello, near smooth or like the rocky mountains. It was a lot of trail and error.

This is why I gave Leanna my lid. Powered coating is strong, tuff, chip resistant, and very long lasting unlike rattle can paint that scrapes, scratchs, chips and some paints will fade. Power coating doesn't do that and is worth 10x's the price of rattle can paint.

The factory wrinkle paint is very tuff for what it is. The can wrinkle is not nearly as good as the factory wrinkle. Power coating is 10 x's better than factory paint.
I used Eastwoods Wrinkle Finish. Worked great.
About 80 outdoors,worked in the shade so the black primer didn't get very hot. First coat was heavy and wet. Let it cure 5 mins. Second coat did the deed.
The results are spotty with me too. Does help to use a heat gun to expedite curing and promote wrinkling in areas that want to stay flat.
ya on mine when i did it, it came out spotty it wrinkle alittle in some spots but smooth in others since im in florida today was 90ish but the humidity is bad here so it might have been the humidty here.. how much did Leanna cost to powder coat the air cleaner thanks for all the tips
HEY! Good morning again. (Rainy days do that to me.)

Sure, post a picture. No harm, no foul, post away.

On the Black Wrinkle paint from a rattle can, I have had results vary alot depending on temp, humidity and sun or not. The finish would end up ethier very mello, near smooth or like the rocky mountains. It was a lot of trail and error.

This is why I gave Leanna my lid. Powered coating is strong, tuff, chip resistant, and very long lasting unlike rattle can paint that scrapes, scratchs, chips and some paints will fade. Power coating doesn't do that and is worth 10x's the price of rattle can paint.

The factory wrinkle paint is very tuff for what it is. The can wrinkle is not nearly as good as the factory wrinkle. Power coating is 10 x's better than factory paint.

Wowwww RumbleFish! I think I want to hire you as a spokesman!!! LOL (That musta been you down the row from me in powder coating college way back when.)

Here are "before" and "after" pics of Rob's MP air cleaner lid. When it arrived, it was a beautiful 70s disco sparkley dark green metal flake. (Don't blame Rob -- he apparently bought it that way :-D). The metal itself needed a lot of work too.

I still have some polishing to do but you get the idea of the texture. It's my first time working with this particular powder, "Wetstone Black," and I really like the results. Rob, I especially hope you do too!!!

Thanks for the confidence you've exhibited in my abilities. I appreciate the work very much!!
Looks like stock OE OOTB. Sweet.

OH yes, I got it that way, not my color ....... It didn't look to bad and was in decent shape for an older job.
I have used the krylon wrinkle paint on a set of valve covers with excellent results. I used a Fluoresent work light to heat the parts after I sprayed the paint, it would wrinkle in about 5 mins.
Always warm the cans of paint before you spray. It help to atomize the propellant.
My original air cleaner on my 68 340 was not wrinkle paint, couldn`t you scrap the wrinkle paint and just do a gloss black?
the Plasti Kote worked well for me. Followed the directions on the can. But one. Painted it in the shade. after the third coat brought it out in the sun. 10 minutes later damn near perfect...dry for a week. Good to go.

But Cudachick1968's that is Out of the Box!

Next time I'll pay the $$ and have her do it...very nice!!!!
I used the Krylon brand. Directions said several heavy coats......

Here is finished product.
I had great results with VHT black wrinkle finish on my MT valve covers.....very happy with it. As for powdercoating I've moved away from the idea that it's the magical panacea for all one's coating needs as I've found it's not as tough and chip resistant as it's cracked up to be. Besides, using rattle can wrinkle finish I can always touch it up in a few years at minimal cost and bother if need be. BTW there is dust on the top of the valve covers in this pic, they just need a good wash

Thanks for all the fabulous comments guys (and for the OOTB explanations). I'm pretty happy with the results myself. Nothing against Eastwood's powder products at all, but that Wetstone Black from my regular powder supplier blows doors on the EW Black Wrinkle. The EW's is more of a texture; the stuff I have now actually wrinkles.

I had great results with VHT black wrinkle finish on my MT valve covers.....very happy with it. As for powdercoating I've moved away from the idea that it's the magical panacea for all one's coating needs as I've found it's not as tough and chip resistant as it's cracked up to be. Besides, using rattle can wrinkle finish I can always touch it up in a few years at minimal cost and bother if need be. BTW there is dust on the top of the valve covers in this pic, they just need a good wash

Syd, that looks pretty good! I'd love to see an up-close picture.

I'm laughing at your "magical panacea" comment (especially the "cracked up" pun). If your coating chipped or you're having other issues with it, that can only be attributed to two things: Improper metal prep and/or curing methods. You didn't mention if you paid someone to do it or tried it yourself, but I'm happy to help you out if you're a DIYer; just give me a call some time and I'll share some tips with ya to obtain a smooth, shiny and DURABLE finish that you'll be delighted with for many years.

If you paid somebody, they're on their own. :-D