I killed my slant six. :(



Shade Tree Vintage Auto on YouTube
Nov 27, 2007
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Well, I was driving home from Preston Idaho last night in the Duster and I blew it up. I didn't know it was possible.

On Friday night, the water pump went bad. So myself and a friend went and bought one and installed it on Saturday morning, we were in a hurry as we were meeting John (baddart) to go see the wrecking yard. Well, the water pump leaked so I paid one of my friends at work to fix it. I guess he drained the radiator with the petcock valve. He didn't tighten it up when he was done and pulled it outside. So I come and pick it up and take off to go to Preston. We get up there and there was a little steam coming out from the engine. But it was no big deal. I opened the hood and noticed that there was a little steam coming from the overflow hose. I figured that it might be normal since it was just filled up and maybe a little over full. That was my bad. Anyway, later we take off and the temp guage is low, so I wasn't worried. It was actually below avarage. But it was also really cool and rainy, you know. How summer is supposed to be :angry7:. So didn't really think anything of it. Well, we are on a main road and all the sudden the temp guage shootes clear to the otherside, there really isn't much of a place to pull over but there is a turn off about a mile ahead. So I try to get to it (I know, I should have just pulled off of the shoulder). Well, the engine makes a few funny noises and dies. We pull over and open the hood. First thing we notice is that there is no steam. All the hoses are cool except the upper radiator hose. The radiator is very hot too. There was no pressure so we opened the radiator and there was nothing. Hmm. So I grab a gallon of water out of the trunk and slowly start pouring it in the radiator and see that the water just flowing back out. Well, I kind of laugh and think. Ahh, it's a slant six. You can't kill it. Well I was wrong. After we got water and everything into it. We tried to start it and it backfires through the carb and runs very bad. It also ate the dipstick. Bent it and took the end right off of it. Anyway, I guess I get to start my 360 conversion sooner than I planed.

Sorry for being so long winded. Jeremy.

Here are a few more pics of the wrecking yard.



I might buy this one. The guy said around $800. Same color and year as my first car. I love it.




Sorry about your motor. I guess it is time for the 360. Let me know if you need any help.
Thanks John. It's okay, I think the Duster was just sick of hearing about me wanting to put the 360 in and finely said. Let's do it! :)
Too bad someone didn't have their head screwed on enough to put a piece of paper on the steering wheel that said "No Fluids".
Small Block
Sorry to here about the slat. Nothing will fix it better than to add two more cylinders though. Good luck on the V-8 swap.
And so, once again, the stage is set for another big block conversion.

We had a slant in a pick up a long time ago that had a lower end noise in it. The crank was replaced but the noise persisted. The factory rep had us drain the oil and coolant out of it and take it back and put a brick on the accelerator pedal. That thing ran out there for about 6 hours and finally just slowed down and died. It fired right back up the next morning. lol

Sorry about your engine, that's why I do everything myself, then there's no one else to blame. :)
...and I blew it up. I didn't know it was possible...

First off, sorry you got stranded by someone's ineptness to do right by you.

As revenge against him, he should have a pile of slanties dumped in his yard.

I can't tell you how many slanties I and a buddy blew up over the course of several years, they DO NOT like to be USED in a truck application with deep gears, because they overheat even with the largest radiators and it seems once they have overheated, they are even more worthless.
Making a slanty get fuel mileage and do work is also pointless.

A slanty's oiling is atrocious, lost several due to sudden, unexplainable pump failures.
Who ever thought an oil pump mounted in the middle of the block was a good idea, had to have his head examined.

IMO, they are the worst engine Chrysler DIDN'T design.

Admittedly, I've killed my share of 318/360s, but usually when they went there was a good underlying cause, plugged radiator, vanes rusted/ripped off the water pump, faulty manual oil pressure gauge, etc.
Not to mention, when going up hills, I could leave the whip in the holster with the V-8s.:toothy10:

I guess what I'm saying is that the V-8s didn't overheat and break down JUST because I was making them do some work.

Sorry to hear about your /.:angry7:
All I have to say is everyone needs supervision sometimes
No water= No temp gage.
And I thought the /'s wear indestructible :angry7:
Thanks for the yard pictures :cheers: what a trooper :happy10:
A slanty's oiling is atrocious, lost several due to sudden, unexplainable pump failures.
Who ever thought an oil pump mounted in the middle of the block was a good idea, had to have his head examined.

IMO, they are the worst engine Chrysler DIDN'T design.


Suck an egg. :p
I had one die right in the middle of an intersection while making a right turn. The only place to pull into was a **** shop. Try explaning that one to the wife, or the AAA driver. We had a good laugh about it though. He joked about the call probably being some old perv in a Dodge Dart.
Never could figure it out, very sluggish crank turn. I figured something internal.
In the end I pulled it and replaced with a 67 273 with the factory hi-po exhaust. I still have that little screamer.