I made a temporary chat solution come and chat!

I'm sure the mods will be happy with that...
I am sure they will understand and let it ride tonight for you and everyone

Liar cliff you were in there i seen you.

its not working now

all I get is: You need voice (+v) (#FABO)

after I type something and either no one is talking or something is wrong

yeah me too i wondered that. I didnt see you post nothing.

Or Asa is doing that to everyone

Yes, to everything, I was there :glasses7:
Or Asa is doing that to everyone

It's a possibility (I don't know him well enough to know if he would do something like that?)

I just mean it can actually be done in IRC, an Operator (OP) can lock down a channel and sit back and laugh at everyone else, just by typing /mode #FABO +m

that command requires everyone to have voice (+v) to chat. The same command with a -m allows everyone to chat.
It's a possibility (I don't know him well enough to know if he would do something like that?)

I just mean it can actually be done in IRC, an Operator (OP) can lock down a channel and sit back and laugh at everyone else, just by typing /mode #FABO +m

that command requires everyone to have voice (+v) to chat. The same command with a -m allows everyone to chat.

Knowing Asa he did it by accident and doesn't know how to get it back.
dont blame me i dont know how to work this thing lol All i know is im in here lol

type /mode #FABO +v Dusted74

and then type

/mode #FABO +o Dusted74

I'll help you sort things out and get the chat up and running properly/smoothly. Been a long time since I used IRC but I still remember most of the commands.
Ok im awake now I made anuther member a mod so thay can help me lol Sorry i had to play with it
(karl makes joke )
Chat, ok Would now be a good time to buy shoes ? or should I wait till a week after Halloween ? I always wanted to know. and why :happy1:
Ok guys, its working.

But you have to stick around for more than a second, so I can appoint +v.

Also if you type /nick and then your nickname, it will change your current nickname to the one you want. Nothing that starts with numbers though, has to be a letter (IRC hates numbers first) That's why I'm going by "Dusted74" in the chat
Asa and 74 Dusted got me fixed to chat. Come back in.
It's a possibility (I don't know him well enough to know if he would do something like that?)

I just mean it can actually be done in IRC, an Operator (OP) can lock down a channel and sit back and laugh at everyone else, just by typing /mode #FABO +m

that command requires everyone to have voice (+v) to chat. The same command with a -m allows everyone to chat.

I fixed it, all is well.