I must be more careful



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 20, 2008
Reaction score
Fairborn, OH
A couple months ago, I split my right elbow open while pulling the Dana out from under the Barracuda. I had to go to the emergency room. They gave me 2 internal and 4 external stitches. Today, while using a wire wheel in my electric drill to strip paint from the floor where I'll be welding in subframe connectors, the drill slips and I slam my finger into a corner of metal and tear a deep hole in my finger. I'm getting tired of injuring myself. :banghead: I'm finally making some progress on the car, but this is ridiculous. I guess I'm going to have to wear gloves next time to prevent this.
It happens. I've slowed down enough that nothing gets done and there are no car related injuries.lol,probably not what you wanted to here.

Sounds like you should have been wearing gloves.
If you want to stop injuring yourself, you'll have to pay someone else to do it. (The work, not injure you.) It's part of the territory and are 'badges of honor', although painful freakin' badges!
I just finished replacing a narrowed 8 3/4 with a narrowed Dana.I have Caltracs also,the hardest part was lining up the rear for perch placement(rear came without perches welded on)It was a fun job doing this by myself,but ended up getting it done without a scratch.Years of cuts and scrapes,I,ve learned to be careful and rethink before accidents.Being off work doesn,t pay the bills.Be careful!
An old boss of mine used to say, "A motor won't run good unless you've bleed your best blood on it..."

I've scraped my knuckles open so many times, I barely feel it anymore. But the deeper cuts are not as easy to ignore...

Consider them like tattoos. Memories from your build. It's not only the end result, but the journey that got you there that you remember... and like tattoos, scars are permanent.

I saw a comedian once who said that his girlfriend wanted him to tattoo her name on him. He said, "I can see settling down, marrying a woman and having kids. But a tattoo, that is so permanent..."
Thanks for the important reminder, cuts and scrapes happen but no one wants to lose a finger or an eye and that can happen too if you're not careful.
It's just a fact of life. If you're going to do this type of stuff, you'll probably suffer a number of "minor" injuries. As long as you come out if it alive and with two eyes and all your digits, chalk it up to experience, and human error.

Just remember that looking like an idiot wearing safety glasses is a lot better than looking like a pirate with an eye patch!

...and when grinding and welding, where gloves. Your wife will still think your a man after word.
.... you fooled her this long, right?
Leather gloves please. Those mechanics gloves wont save your hands from hot slag and cut off wheels. Ask me how I know...
be more careful in your old age we take longer to repair and yes you should wear leather gloves when possible
Keep hurting your self in your bullet pruff years cause it will give you something to think about when you get older and it starts hurting again. Gloves,eye and hearing protection
Just got hearing aids didn't know the birds still sing
Keep hurting your self in your bullet pruff years cause it will give you something to think about when you get older and it starts hurting again. Gloves,eye and hearing protection
Just got hearing aids didn't know the birds still sing

I hear ya... Actually I don't, lol. I have a bad case of tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) from too many years of loud bikes, cars, and shooting. The worst for me is trying to hear a female voice, comes in handy sometimes though....lol.
Very important tips. Also be careful of how you bend to pick things up even a ink pen can throw out your back.
Yes, Gloves

Exactly!!!!!!!! I know there are times where you just simply need the feeling of your fingers directly on a part in order to install or remove. However with the types of gloves available these days there is no reason not to have them on most of the time along with eye protection. Yea sure mild bumps and scratches are badges of honor I guess. However trips to the emergency room are almost leaning more towards carelessness.
It's just a fact of life. If you're going to do this type of stuff, you'll probably suffer a number of "minor" injuries. As long as you come out if it alive and with two eyes and all your digits, chalk it up to experience, and human error.

Just remember that looking like an idiot wearing safety glasses is a lot better than looking like a pirate with an eye patch!

...and when grinding and welding, where gloves. Your will will still think your a man after word.
.... you fooled her this long, right?
well i think i my wife fooled lol :happy1:
Sounds like a lot of experience talking out there,you younger guys and gals please take heed. I also have a couple shorter fingers . They don't grow back
I hear ya... Actually I don't, lol. I have a bad case of tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) from too many years of loud bikes, cars, and shooting. The worst for me is trying to hear a female voice, comes in handy sometimes though....lol.
tinnitus? is that what its called ive had the ringing since i wa 16 or so i was thinking theres nothing to do for it is there ?:read:
Most injuries can be prevented using the correct protection like gloves but sometimes its just going to occur . It happens before you even know it most of the time.
tinnitus? is that what its called ive had the ringing since i wa 16 or so i was thinking theres nothing to do for it is there ?:read:

There is no cure. I'm still looking for some type of remedy though. If I find one, I'll be 100% sure to let you know.

BTW, you won't find the cure in playboy, lol.
Old tired rebel has that right. I injured my back about ten years ago and I'm reminded of it everyday. I don't know how many times I've said that I'm not the man I used to be. Still working on these old cars though it just takes me longer. Jerry
There is no cure. I'm still looking for some type of remedy though. If I find one, I'll be 100% sure to let you know.

BTW, you won't find the cure in playboy, lol.
Well playboy makes mr for get it lol and thanks i seen some thing on tv that they said would make th ringing stop but i aint seen it in a long time guess it idnt work lol
Well playboy makes mr for get it lol and thanks i seen some thing on tv that they said would make th ringing stop but i aint seen it in a long time guess it idnt work lol

Yeah, I've seen that advert too. I never tried it yet. There is a website that deals just with this affliction... Let me see if i can find it. I've been living with it for so long I don't really think about it.... Until I go to bed and the ringing won't stop....

Edit: Here it is! http://www.ata.org/
Yeah, I've seen that advert too. I never tried it yet. There is a website that deals just with this affliction... Let me see if i can find it. I've been living with it for so long I don't really think about it.... Until I go to bed and the ringing won't stop....

Edit: Here it is! http://www.ata.org/
i will check that out thanks ya i think ive had it when i was born..... my mom said i wined bout it when i was kid i have to sleep with a tv on to get to sleep u know how that feels tho :cheers: