I need your prayers!

I have to agree with jefflock.
Have witnesses to testify on your behalf.

It sounds as though this kid has been sheltered to much and doesn't know when someone is horsing around with him.

He's probably the kid who gets called a doo doo head on the playground
and whines to mommy and she complains to the principal or teacher.

Don't get me wrong it's good to protect your kids but you have to draw the line some where and let them grow up.

Good luck to you my thoughts are with you!
While I don't know you I wish you the best of luck, this may be a tougher situation than you realize. In today's society you can ruin a person with a mere unfounded accusation. As someone else metioned you would be well served to have as many good character references as you can possible get.
Hang in there. In today's world you need to be careful just to leave your home. Good luck and may god be with you!
Know what you mean when little precious can do no wrong. I have a friend who's been teaching for 18 years, She's seen them come and go the one's who usually can do no wrong have crimanel records by the time their 18.

But still it's not thier fault the parent's aren't doing their kids any favors by letting them get away with that crap. When I was a kid I got into trouble at school I got it from the teacher, the principal, and then by my mother, also by my father when he got home. 4 times in one day then usually grounded for a month, And when I say I got it wasn't a scoulding it was a good old fashion WHUPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had paddle's, belt's, one or twice with a fan belt, and guess what I deserved every one of them. Kept my white butt out of Jail, Also taught me to say YES SIR, NO Sir or maam,
Know what you mean when little precious can do no wrong. I have a friend who's been teaching for 18 years, She's seen them come and go the one's who usually can do no wrong have crimanel records by the time their 18.

But still it's not thier fault the parent's aren't doing their kids any favors by letting them get away with that crap. When I was a kid I got into trouble at school I got it from the teacher, the principal, and then by my mother, also by my father when he got home. 4 times in one day then usually grounded for a month, And when I say I got it wasn't a scoulding it was a good old fashion WHUPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had paddle's, belt's, one or twice with a fan belt, and guess what I deserved every one of them. Kept my white butt out of Jail, Also taught me to say YES SIR, NO Sir or maam,

That's how I was raised, as well, and I agree with the sentiment about parents sheltering their kids too much.

Thanks all!
Know what you mean when little precious can do no wrong. I have a friend who's been teaching for 18 years, She's seen them come and go the one's who usually can do no wrong have crimanel records by the time their 18.

But still it's not thier fault the parent's aren't doing their kids any favors by letting them get away with that crap. When I was a kid I got into trouble at school I got it from the teacher, the principal, and then by my mother, also by my father when he got home. 4 times in one day then usually grounded for a month, And when I say I got it wasn't a scoulding it was a good old fashion WHUPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had paddle's, belt's, one or twice with a fan belt, and guess what I deserved every one of them. Kept my white butt out of Jail, Also taught me to say YES SIR, NO Sir or maam,

That's how I was raised, as well, and I agree with the sentiment about parents sheltering their kids too much.

Thanks all!

I agree with both of these statements, but I am glad they can't hit kids in school anymore. I don't want any stranger hitting my kid.
I don't want strangers "hitting" my child, either. I make it a point to meet early on with all of my children's teachers and principals, so thay are not strangers. The schools where they attend do not use corporal punishment (paddling) so I don't have to worry about that. But I entrust these people to do what is best for my child. That is what you must do when you send your children to school (as opposed to home school). There have been times when the teachers conduct was questionable, but in every case I have gone to the school and met with the teacher a listened to the events that surrounded the incident. Always, I have understood that this caring educator had my child's best interest at heart and we were able to resolve any issue rationally. Problem is that too many people are irrational nowadays!

Culturally, the era when paddling was acceptable, we all operated under that ideal. Since it is not the norm now, there is a greater burden on parents to have their child prepared to respect and obey a teacher in order for the students to be successful. This is an area our country's parents need to improve on.

Really didn't want to get into this kind of discussion, but thanks all who have expressed their support.
I don't want strangers "hitting" my child, either. I make it a point to meet early on with all of my children's teachers and principals, so thay are not strangers. The schools where they attend do not use corporal punishment (paddling) so I don't have to worry about that. But I entrust these people to do what is best for my child. That is what you must do when you send your children to school (as opposed to home school). There have been times when the teachers conduct was questionable, but in every case I have gone to the school and met with the teacher a listened to the events that surrounded the incident. Always, I have understood that this caring educator had my child's best interest at heart and we were able to resolve any issue rationally. Problem is that too many people are irrational nowadays!

Culturally, the era when paddling was acceptable, we all operated under that ideal. Since it is not the norm now, there is a greater burden on parents to have their child prepared to respect and obey a teacher in order for the students to be successful. This is an area our country's parents need to improve on.

Really didn't want to get into this kind of discussion, but thanks all who have expressed their support.

I hate to disagree with you about the padlleing, but I think we would possibly be better off if we went back on that some. You kid may have a sore hind end for a couple of hours but after once maybe twice it sinks in and it stay with them for a lifetime. My brother in law has 3 nephews by one sister, one's now 21 or 22, another about 19, and the last 10, they were rasied no paddleing by anyone or make them mind. I've seen them cuss thier grand parents and other people, at 8 to 10 years old, Now the oldest already has a criminal record served time for dope, dui, agraiveted assult, The middle one is already been in jail aleast 8 or nine time's for selling dope, dui, and one or two other things, The youngest is on the same road when any of them get into trouble it's never thier own fault it's the cop's or someone else's never their own. The middle child got busted selling dope at 13 year's old, claimed the teacher that caught him in the middle of the sale didn't like him and planted the maryjuana on him. Bad part I know his mother and she belived him cause he wouldn't lie to her, Now fast foward three years he give his own mother a black eye when he was on some kind of dope. I'm also sure in twenty years of teaching you've had more than your share of kids you would like to take a paddle to.
none of that has anything to do with hitting the kids, they have a lack of respect for themselves and other people. You can not beat common sense into someone. Besides, just because you hit me doesn't mean I'm going to respect you and do as you say.
Sounds like the Mother needs to be slapped. Keep us posted on the outcome.

I have to agree, the mother needed slapped.

I could not be a teacher for this very reason, The rotten kids and the stupid parents that protect them. Today the parents don't teach their kids much and respect is one of them. As I was growing up all the parents in the neighborhood was OK with the other parents to correct us if we did something wrong.

I got paddled in school a few times for stupid stuff I did. Then I had to go home and tell mom and dad what I did.

Good luck on the outcome
It is really sad for the teachers of today to have to deal with some of these kids. Some people who think that they are "perfect parents" and have "perfect kids" need to wake up to the fact that these children that are being raised these days are different then when I grew up (In the 70's) The teachers are in a lot of cases having to do more than "teach" these kids. They literally have to be a substitute parent to some of these kids. It truly is a sad society that puts their children into public or private schools and the teacher is being put into a babysitter/parent role. There is a lot of stresses that teachers have to deal with and the job of teaching is a very demanding one. I know I couldn't do it and I respect all of those teachers who dedicate their lives to teaching these youngsters and trying to steer these kids on to the path of knowing what's right and whats wrong. Parents should be thankful for teachers and all they do to guide their kids to hopefully get the proper education to make them good adults. There are some bad teachers and these who would exploit children should not be allowed to teach.Rant Over.....
none of that has anything to do with hitting the kids, they have a lack of respect for themselves and other people. You can not beat common sense into someone. Besides, just because you hit me doesn't mean I'm going to respect you and do as you say.

This is true. The morals of the culture in our country have deteriorated to the point that most school punishment does not work. Kids enjoy being suspended because that means a whole day of guitar hero or grand theft auto uninterrupted. While I have been out, i was at the mall back in November and a Mother and her son were there during school hours. I was in line for food behind them when the boy saw my shirt with my school name on it. He asked me if i was a teacher playing hooky, to which I answered "sort of" and asked him the same and his mother replied whispering to me, saying she was taking him to the mall shopping for some new Jordans and out to eat because the school had suspended him for no good reason. The boy said all I did was write that the teacher she was a butt-hole licker. I almost laughed, not at the kid but the mom's attitude that her son deserved a gift because he had been wronged.
I have even been asked before if a certain infraction would get him 3 or five days suspension because he was out of excused absences and wanted to go to the basketball tournament.
There is no shame in being in the wrong and no pride in being in the right with to many people today.

As an update, the case will be continued on march 8 because the police office who took the report and who is the "witness??" had an emergency absence due to his father passing unexpectedly. Please say a prayer for his family along with me.