I think I'm out

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hey bro stick around PLEASE you have always help me out.Good help is hard to find.Here is one for you.I belong to Chevelles.com once were some members did not like my spelling or gramer tryed to run me off the board but there was plenty to outhers who understood my lack of education grade 8 is as far as i got.dont let them get you.your choice but i say stick around.
Yesterday I took a trip with my father to have the Barracuda painted, the entire day all i heard from my uncle (who owns the body shop) was how Obama was crap ...ect ...ALL DAY ...there were some points he brought up that were unavoidably true and others that were just bullcrap ...I get it ...and its important to me believe me ...its my daughters future and my retirement that's hangs in the balance ...but it dosnt change my feeling that I dont think I need it shoved up my nose every moment of every day.
Pics of paint day




........Dont leave, show who the bigger man is........kim..........

O.K., you may have a point. I appreciate all the support, both public and private. So even though he isn't a big enough man to admit he was wrong and apologize, I am.

SO....To any truckers, long or short haul, that have chrome ladies on their mudflaps, and are NOT dumbasses, my most sincere apologies. I did not mean to offend.

To any trucker, long or short haul, who has chrome ladies and ARE a dumbass, there is no apology necessary, unless they are offended by truth. And in that case, I apologize.

And to the truckers who DON'T have chrome ladies on their mudflaps, you weren't involved. But if you were offended by either of the above cases, again I offer my sincere apology.

Lastly, to all my friends on FABO, my apologies for the disruption. Cause while I felt it important for all to know what was being done to me and one other, I did not intend to disrupt FABO as a whole.

But to the one responsible, I offer NO apology. For I have not done or said anything to wrong him. I DO, however, await HIS apology.....if he is man enough
I came here to read about A-body Mopars. (period) Will miss your expertise and opinions on them. If ya gotta go, go in peace.

That said, opinions are like armpits, everyone has a couple that occasionally stink. Advice is worth your willingness to act on it.
This thread is stupid. The only thing that bothers me about the ongoing constant bitching of the actual topic is this;

IF he apologizes to me and the other member, I will drop this.
68 Seadan,
This line worries me. It is fair warning that the posts will continue on and on and on. This will not due and will not happen.

Now your carrying on like a spoiled brat.

This is a car site! Not a complaint board, no matter how right or wrong you are. Your a MOD at for B bodies only, act like one and hold yourself to a higher standard and act like an adult. Take it up a level, not down to the public.

As this was all unfolding, you should have appealed anything not your tase to other MODs and if you thought it truly a horrible thing, the Admin.

All parties will now just put a sock in it and dry there tears. Take it on the chin like a man! If you can't take it, being called a name, and on the internet of all places, perhaps your in the wrong place.

I think that you should drop this here and now as well as everybody else involved!

This site has allways been preety calm and well focused on what we are here for. I hope it stays this way and since I was asked to be a MOD here, I will help steer the site into a area good for everybody.

I'm not going to lock up the thread.

Now, if ya wanna call me a dickhead and tell me **** off, that's fine, you all can go screw goats for all I care. I just don't wanna see or hear about it.

Please, for the love of GOD or what ever gets you all to stop, STOP cryin and bitchin !!!!!!!!!!! Just drop it allllllready!!!!!!!!

IF you continue, I'll lock the thread.

IS there a problem, let me know. But not on what has happened on this tpoic, it's old and done.

Oh Lord Please No Poles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this site was not intended for he said/she said. it is about helping others with there Mopars. i would understand if it was a chevy/ford site and you would understand why people are whining. do you want some Cheese/Crackers with your Wine?
I've stated this before but it hasn't soaked in. You both are great guys and are an asset to this site and you both need to get your feeling off of your shirt sleeve and get on with life and cars. I'm not a moderator but have been ask to be one but i do have a brain and with that as a qualification i have deemed this sqaubling to be getting on the verge of being childish. Let's talk cars and knock this bullshit in the head. Shake hands and come out talking cars.
Oh Lord Please No Poles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed only if it is in a nudey bar.. doooohhh

hey guys it is all good there are some great smart guys here, let it all go. Life is to short to fight.. hell with it I say!

Get out to the shop or burn rubber you will feel much better..
I don't know what started all the mud flinging.
Hope the parties involved can come to an amicable resolution

Ahead Full
He has certainly made no attempt to resolve the matter
You said that allllllready. How many more times are you going to continue to carry on?

Say to yourself, 1,000,000 times;

It's a;; petty, it's all petty.

Or until you believe it.
It's petty that only MY conduct is questioned, and not the conduct of this.......Moderator....and I use that term loosely
Jesus ...your right 68sedan ...off with his head maybe when we are done attacking Iraq we can head over to his place ....clearly because the punishment must fit the crime :rolleyes:
I pick no sides in this arguement. 68 has been very helpful on this site. But he said he was done and was only checking for sale ads right? Well that was yesterday and four pages ago, and he is still chiming in on this thread. That doesnt even bother me, what bothers me is,that if you are leaving then leave dont stand at the front door and wait for someone to stop you. If you stay that is great too. You have been very helpful to this site. What im saying is make up your mind and do it. Stop dragging this out.
He was going to ban me because he thought I said something derogatory about him. He DID say something derogatory about me and another member, but that same rule doesn't seem to apply.

IF I had said it and that was grounds for a "time out" as he put it, then he should be subject to that same rule, punishment, time out....whatever you want to call it.

Hell, he banned someone for telling him to get laid. THAT would be laughable if it weren't such a glaring double standard
It's petty that only MY conduct is questioned, and not the conduct of this.......Moderator....and I use that term loosely

This is getting real old, You said you were leaving and you keep coming back to make jabs at John.

You keep pointing out that hes a mod and he shouldnt behave this way. You havent mentioned once that you your self are a mod at FBBO.

Its getting real old. At this point you either need to move on or move out.

I'm not taking sides but at this point your the one that keeps coming back to it.
So I guess the Mods here have a different standard than the rest of the members.

what a crock
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