I think



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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one of our dogs is trying to evict us.......holy hell does it stink in here.....:fart:
Never owned any dogs with that problem, but I once cleared out a duty section muster in the hangar bay of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier from 40 feet away. Still kinda proud of that one.
I was gonna comment, but after those last couple of posts, I think I will just slowly back into the shadows......
I work for the largest salty snack company and I was stocking my product one day when the ole stomach said woa let one rip and hoped no one would come down the isle well this little old lady came by and said smells like something died me thinking fast said yes mam and I am looking for it now, dodged a bullet
We have one of those dogs with a nasty smellin butt and every time she cuts loose I get blamed for it. Damn dog

We have one of those dogs with a nasty smellin butt and every time she cuts loose I get blamed for it. Damn dog


That's too funny, when the one dog here does it the wife looks at me and says "did you do that" with her nose all wrinkled up.
we used to have a boxer who liked to nap
when he was asleep you could fire a cannon in the room and he wouldnt even flinch

this dog could be dead asleep then all of a sudden wake up and without a stretch or a yawn take off to the next room

about 20 seconds later you could smell why
My wife and I have two dogs, a Staffordshire Bull terrier and a Samoyed, both are 10 years old. We never have a problem with the Samoyed, but the Staffie truly stinks! I got home from a business trip just last night, and I walked in and the two of them were laying together, with their noses close to each others butts. I was walking into our bedroom to drop off my bag when I HEARD this massive, mongrel fart rip[ through my Staffie, straight into the poor Samoyeds nose!

Well, he jumped uop like he was sitting on a fire ant nest, let out a howl and bolted into the back yard!!!! It took me about an hour to coax him back in tot he house!

If you break in to my place, its not the dogs heads you have to worry about, thats for sure............. Those things will strip paint from the walls.........