I walked away.....

If your injured, or even hurt, go to the doctor. It's a workmans comp injury if you are and they cant fire you while on wc. Gives you time to sort this out. Glad you survived. We lost a young firefighter Monday night. He was t-boned by a pick up truck and him and his girlfriend died.
Glad your OK, My brother had a similar accident last month. He should have had plenty of time to make the turn but the other car was flying. Even with witnesses he was cited for not giving her the right of way.
Glad you're ok. They shouldn't fire you, an accident can happen to anyone. Let us know what happens.
UPDATE: My boss came to my house today to ask me to sign a medical waiver. Of course I refused and said I wanted to see a Dr. first. Nothing major a few bumps and bruises and a strained neck. Went to the towing company today and cleaned out my truck. The truck is completely destroyed and much worse than I thought. Have to wait and see about the job though. Thanks for the well wishes.
In the event that they do fire you, you may be able to use that Medical waiver, if you can get a copy of it, against them......
Another update. Have not heard from my employer today so I am sure they are still doing their investigation. I did although go through my contacts, made a few phone calls, and had an interview today. I was offered a job with a different company that does the same thing so I will be starting a new path soon. :)
Another update. Have not heard from my employer today so I am sure they are still doing their investigation. I did although go through my contacts, made a few phone calls, and had an interview today. I was offered a job with a different company that does the same thing so I will be starting a new path soon. :)

Good for you, glad thing's are working out for you, screw em if they won't stand behind you! Nice loyalty you see now day's, unbelievable! Anyway, take care, and good luck.
Another update. Have not heard from my employer today so I am sure they are still doing their investigation. I did although go through my contacts, made a few phone calls, and had an interview today. I was offered a job with a different company that does the same thing so I will be starting a new path soon. :)

What a dick head!

I would have acted like you was in great pain and hardly moving around good. If you had signed that waiver any medical bills would come out of your pocket (like you didn't know this).

My neighbor had a wreck in which a vehicle slammed him in the rear. He thought he was ok and signed off... didnt go to a docter, etc... Well he wasn't and has neck and spine pain because of it. He didn't feel a thing for days and then it started to hurt.