I walked my daughter down the isle last weekend



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
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Northwest Oregon
It's hard to believe that this time has come. My little girl is now married! Seems like only yesterday she was starting her first day of school. Saturday she started the first day of a new chapter in her life. Always an over-achiever, honor roll student, and somewhat of a perfectionist, I should feel fairly certain of her future.. But times are tuff. I'm glad I'm not a young person starting out right now. She's as outstanding of a person as you could ever hope to find. You continue to make me a proud daddy, Crystal, I love you!


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Wow, a handsome dude and a pretty daughter!

It was tough for me to walk my daughter down the isle and my other eloped and got married in Central Park!

Congratulations to you and the new bride and groom!
Congrats and be proud!! Im looking forward to the day I walk my daughter down the aisle..

I was blessed and got the honor of having my daughter stand up at my wedding.. Granted it was my 2nd, but I was still proud to have her stand there..
Wishing her all the best in this new chapter in her life! Sounds like she's got a great start, and a great future ahead of her!! Congrats to dad, mom, crystal and her new hubby too!! Geof
Wow.... What a beautiful bride! You must be proud!!

I know what you mean about them growing up too fast. I'm sure it won't be too much longer before I'm walking my little girl down the aisle too.
Kudos Sir !!!!

No lack of Respect intended or implied.

May I ask about the pins on Your Left Lapel ?

Congrats! And best wishes to the happy couple for a long, happy life together!
Congrats !!! A great moment in your lives. Here's to many more. LAwrence
Congratulations BigHammer. I just did the same for my daughter in Sept. I'll post some pics when I get them.
You have a good looking daughter there. Best wishes for the new couple!
Good job dad! Enjoy the expanding family. And don't forget to send the future grand kids home spoiled!
Hey thanks for the comments guys. We really appreciate them! Another thing about Crystal is the fact that she is so into our old cars. My two sons (her older brothers) have little interest in them :wack: But Crystal is interested in muscle cars, and she really likes my Dart and my bikes. Yeah, she's awesome. And she got herself a real good guy for a husband. They'll do fine!

Here she is on her first day of school:


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