ID help before I hack these up



Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
Reaction score
Central Valley California
My 1970 340 came with the valve covers pictured below. I want to run the fabricated aluminum ones, but I figured since I am getting ready to paint the motor, I might as well paint these too.

Before I do unspeakable things to give these a smoother look, I want to be sure I am not destroying a restorer's wet dream set of valve covers.

Thank you fellow FABOers


more pics @


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Those are factory 340 70-71 covers....They are different than 318 covers, they have the taller bracket for the 4bbl linkage and the wide wire loom bracket on the other. Would you be interested in selling them? If so, I might be interested :glasses7:
Here's a pic of another 69 340 set....similar, but not quite sure.


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I think I see the difference......oil fill in my pic is on driver side. On Chris's pics its on pass side...
Of all the things to have wet dreams over, valve covers ain't on my short list.
Thank you all for the replies. I will paint them unmolested for now.

Those are factory 340 70-71 covers....They are different than 318 covers, they have the taller bracket for the 4bbl linkage and the wide wire loom bracket on the other. Would you be interested in selling them? If so, I might be interested :glasses7:

cool to know 340 one are different, thank you. My dad gave me the engine, and let me know that he has rights to any spare/unneeded parts. So the VCs are not for sale anytime soon. I will pass on the info to him though.

Of all the things to have wet dreams over, valve covers ain't on my short list.

I hear ya, but the way some guys talk about factory parts, I have to wonder sometimes...
Of all the things to have wet dreams over, valve covers ain't on my short list.

Enough people having wet dreams that AMD offers repops

Thank you all for the replies. I will paint them unmolested for now.

cool to know 340 one are different, thank you. My dad gave me the engine, and let me know that he has rights to any spare/unneeded parts. So the VCs are not for sale anytime soon. I will pass on the info to him though.

I hear ya, but the way some guys talk about factory parts, I have to wonder sometimes...

Dads a smart guy Chris. LOL
Lots of one year only/engine stuff out there that numbers guys want them.
Check the parts wanted section. I saw somebody wanting a pair recently. Maybe it was there maybe it was the post about how to keep plug wires off the exhaust manifolds.