Idea for a car show!



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2008
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How about everyone dress like the year of there car. Not only could you win a prize for your car you,could win one for your costume as well. Maybe I'm losing it. I'll have another Miller Lite now.
What if you brought more than one car... from different decades? Better have a couple more! lol
Oh boy, dress like I'm in '65???? That would be something. I dont even know what that would look like. I'll have to investigate.
Enjoy that Miller lite moparker :cheers:I think it would be fun to do this here at FABO under a car show thread, Creativity and dress and find that perfect old building or street corner or beach front to take a picture and enter it here. I am in on this good idea, it would be very interesting to see our members get creative and show there A bodies in old fashion.
My vote is in.:happy10:
Cool, I thought maybe I was goin off the deep end. You guys ever notice at some of the cruise ins that you mostly hear songs from the 50's but, most of the cars are from the 60's and 70's? I would love to hear the Doors,Kinks,Stones,Cream etc. Don't get me wrong I dig splish splash and charlie brown but, enough is enough.
Hell,smokin a cigerette costs more than a joint! They just threw a tax on tobacco here in Ohio. 6 bucks a pack I think. Thank God I don't smoke.
Prince Albert in a paper will work. :toothy10:
And I would have to find some cane poles to hang out the window and roll up a pair of jeans and a pack of camels rolled up in my short sleeve t shirt. and a babe on a checkered table cloth on the ground for her to site on. And it would have to be a black and white picture. Yes this could be fun.:-D
Ok, now that memike cleared it up a bit for me yeah, it does sound like it could be a good time.
Oh boy, dress like I'm in '65???? That would be something. I dont even know what that would like. I'[ll have to investigate.

Just let your hair grow out and don't wash it...and some bell bottoms. If 1965 is to early for that look, just say you're a trend setter
Just let your hair grow out and don't wash it...and some bell bottoms. If 1965 is to early for that look, just say you're a trend setter
I do believe 66 to 67 was the first pair of bell bottoms I ever had :-D Not me in the picture But she looks like an old girl friend hehe

Ducktail, long sideburns, smokes rolled in a t-shirt sleeve, cut off jean vest, cuffed jeans and engineer boots. :)

Kinda like snake from the Simpsons, lol!

This is funny. I'm really liking this idea. Hell, my hair already looks like something out of '65 after looking at that dude in memike's picture.
That means I'd have to dress like I was in the 80s... thats no big deal... go hair bands??? hehe
That is a great idea. I know some of the antique car clubs have done that. I used to look at some Model A magazines and they often had info on 1920s-30s clothes.

As for the music at car shows, my guess is DJs see old cars and think of the movie American Graffitti, or Happy Days, so you get lots of late 50s early 60s stuff.
I already wanted to do this!!!

I am going to get my Mistress in on it too...

Here is a pic of my lil sister & my car, not sure if it's era appropriate but its a start.


I will have to come up with some cool Guys Bell Bottoms?! I aint sure there is such a thing. Maybe I'll just wear some Levi's and Service Station Shirt.. Definately smokin a fatty and flippin through some 8 tracks.

Maybe I will do a bunch of Acid and just see what happens!!!???? Might even remember to take some picture...
I play mostly 60's and 70's music at car shows. Kind of the "AM rock" from the days. Grew up listening to CKLW in Windsor and WOWO in Fort Wayne. I get lots of compliments on the music selections because it brings back memories for some. I have a Vietnam vet that loves certain songs that they had on reel to reel tape over there. Most cars in the shows are from the 60's and 70's with some from the 50's and 40's. Classic cars and oldies music go hand in hand. I also like the idea of dressing in period clothing.
I grew up north of Detroit and listened to CKLW and WKNR. Graduated in 65, would have to find some hair to look like 1965 again.!!:cheers: