If Nobody Else Does....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
....at least my cats love me.
You are one up on me, Rob. I don't have cat 1 anymore.

AND NO!! You can't ship me one, either!!
i see three well dressed, dapper gentlemen!

we all love ya, despite your ornery exterior because we know you're good people.
i see three well dressed, dapper gentlemen!

we all love ya, despite your ornery exterior because we know you're good people.
Well, Tiger the one eyed cat would be extremely upset that you didn't recognize HER. lol
Yes, we all love you here, and so does Kitty. Happy anniversary to you both. See what I did there…Kitty! :)
And now, wouldn't you know, Clyde is extremely sick with an upper respiratory infection. I honestly think we may lose him.
Mr Orange had a terrible breathing/wheezing issue that lasted a month.
I thought we were gonna lose him, too.
Vet honestly didn't know (nor did the second opinion Vet).
First Vet shot-gunned an anti-biotic scrip.

He did pull through.
It was so bad that several times I said goodbye before going to bed, just in case.

Cat colds can last a month to 6 weeks.

Orange had one a few years ago, when he was in better general health.
It lasted almost 5 weeks.
He was so loud coughing and sneezing, you would have though it was a human if you couldn't see him.

This time there was no sneezing.

Best wishes to both of you.
We took Clyde to the vet this morning. His problem is two fold. He does have an upper respiratory infection, but his biggest threat is he has eaten something that won't pass. So he is at the vet to undergo surgery today to remove whatever it is. Otherwise the vet said he would likely not make it.