If only this type of kit were available for SBM at the same price......


Michael Harrington

Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Reaction score
Holland MI
I'm not a closet chevy lover. I know there are several centrifugal supercharger kits for us. But I am amazed the at the low price of this kit for the 350 Chevy- and from Edelbrock. SBC has always had this advantage. Dick Landy offered a similar kit in the 80s and now just the intake manifold he made brings $1200 plus. If for $3500 I could get this kit for 360 LA/Magnum I would even if I had no immediate use for it. Centrifugal is cool and probably better than Roots type- But I like the look of the Roots even when it's a small street blower.
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For those who are curious.

adapt and overcome...use spacer/adapters. I think it was SuperModified that recommended using Chevy intakes on SBM at the time.
There are plenty of Centrifugal kits and turbos for that matter. But, I get folks sometimes want these more for looks.
It is a shame because there raping you on the cost for the intake basically.
Those parts are just the tip of the iceberg as far as the cost of slapping on a blower. The systems to support a supercharged engine such as fuel, drive-train upgrades and building traction are not cheap.

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