Ignition Coil Questions



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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My 340 has been upgraded to electronic ignition.

I am using the Mopar orange box with an Accel Super Stock coil.

Everything is working fine and there are no issues.

Would I notice a performance difference by switching to the MSD Blaster 2


If I change to the MSD coil should I bypass the ballast resistor?

Does the MSD coil have to mounted vertically or horizontally?

Should I upgrade plugs and wires also for best performance?
My 340 has been upgraded to electronic ignition.

I am using the Mopar orange box with an Accel Super Stock coil.

Everything is working fine and there are no issues.

Would I notice a performance difference by switching to the MSD Blaster 2


If I change to the MSD coil should I bypass the ballast resistor?
This depends on the coil requirements specifics, but some do bypass it and some don't.

Does the MSD coil have to mounted vertically or horizontally?
Vertical is always best for canister coils, but here again some do it and some don't (plenty of oppinions on this one)

Should I upgrade plugs and wires also for best performance?
Upgrade from what?
Standard plugs and wires will handle anything until you get into HEI ignition.
They run fine even with HEI, but the chances of loosing spark out the side of a wire is increased.
I ran HEI with stock wires and didn't have any issue's at all.
But I did upgrade to Accel 8mm silicone wires when I got the chance.

Hope this helps
MSD Ballster vs Accel Super Coil = no noticeable difference in any possible street or race application. (excluding manufacturing quality irregularity or failure due to outsourcing quality)

Your Mopar box requires you to run a ballast resistor.

What you want to consider on is two things:

1: does your electronic ignition box regulate coil current? Mopar type = no, so they always require ballast resistor in proper total resistance including coil. So, look at the resistance of coil + ballast required to be operated in concert with mopar electronic box.

2: Migrate to an electronic ignition control system such as HEI or MSD which does regulate coil current and does not require a coil which has to operate with a ballast. Then you can operate the coil at full voltate (12 - 15V) and get a bit more fire power from the coil (rate coil at proper ohms) and regarding MSD or similar multi-spark controllers - can help with low rpm torque issues related to huge camshaft combustion event inefficiency at low rpm.