I'm Back



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Got an email that I was missed. Been kinda busy. My son and I went to Philmont, New Mexico with the Scouts on a 10 day wilderness hike. My feet have never hurt so bad in my life. The day after we got home my Daughter left for 2 weeks in Africa. The Day after she left I got a message from My wife's Uncle's wife. She was getting ready to sell my 58 English Ford Zodiac. I gave it to him back in the 80's and he gave it back to me a couple years ago. He since has developed Alzheimers and doesn't remember much. Thank goodness he remembered giving me the car back. I had to drive from MD to Ohio and rent a trailer and bring it back. I'll post pics and tell more of the story in the next couple days or so. Thanks for thinking about me, Joe.
Dang man :toothy10: That's allot of traveling :clock: Looking forward to your next post.
I hope all is well and you get your legs back under ya, All that driving don't help them much does it.8)