Im Done

Total user from the day I first met her.
Used to come over and have drinks most every day (on us)
My wife has helped her move 4 times now because she doesn't pay her bills and gets evicted. (owners never see a dime from her)
Came over every single time when she needed something printed or faxed, using our paper, our ink and our business phone line (Never a penny out of her) and rarely a thank you.
Used to borrow money from my wife to "go look for work" and then used it to take her dumbass teen to a rave 60 miles away where he would drink too much and pass out.
Then she would have to go back and pick him up because whoever he was supposed to ride with didn't want him in thier car.
Lies and uses different ID's to get out of things.
Calls ever day with a brand new sob story for my wife to try to fix for her.

Honestly I don't even understand why my wife would have anything to do with her in the first place.

Last straw, she brought her 90 lb Black Lab over a week or so ago and ended up getting in a fight with our 90 lb Aussie mix.
Both were bloody but on futher inspection was almost all the labs blood.
I asked where her dog was now when I got home and heard about the fight and she said "In the back yard" so I bring our dog in the house and ask her not to bring the dog over here anymore.
A bit later, I walk through the room and her dog in in our house now.
I ask her to take her dog outside and she doesn't even look at me.
I tell her that I am talking to her and she just looked at my wife, (Not me) as if to ask my wife if she had to put her dog outside.

That was it, I lost it.
I slammed my fist on the table making everything fly and tell her to get her worthless A** the F outta my house and to take her damn dog with her.
Two days later she calls and wants to fax some documents.

Friggin LEACH.
You all did what needed to be done to help. You gave freely of your time, money, or resources-a very honorable thing to do, especially if things are tight. But, I've found out it's a CHOICE you make. Give and don't expect a return, or don't give it in the first place. Saves heartache and anger-none of which does you any good. I've found it does come back to you when you least expect it, and need it the most.

I live by this, It hurts sometimes, but its just a little thing.
The only rule I have is it can't hurt my family in any way so
I never let anyone live with me.
I refuse to allow my personal space and family to be disrupted by
anyone or anything, its the only place in the world I find peace
and happiness.
Sorry to hear this.......

About 10 years ago I let a good friend move into my house, he was paying rent for awhile but then he stopped. I started work real early in the mornings so I didn't see him, he worked later and after work he came home late when everyone was in bed so we wouldn't have to discuss this. I let it go cause I have known this friend since he was 10 years old, (he was like a little brother to me) his parents are great friends and they lived on the same block, and my wife is his 1st cousin too. He didn't have much money, he did have a job that I got for him working at the same company (But diff location), but was staying out too late with some bad friends and ended up losing his job cause he woulldn't show up on time or even at all. 3 months went by and I decided this crap has to stop, told him I wanted to talk, wasn't real mad, just wanted to see what's up. well, while I was at work, he moved out without a word. After that we didn't see much of each other, he even skipped faimly events I was at. All he had to do was talk to me and say he was sorry or needed help, I would have understood cause he was a great friend and done what I could to help, but what he did almost ended our friendship. Just recently we started hanging out again, but not like we used to, (we always went racing together and he is a Mopar guy too), but we are getting to be buds again. Never even discussed this with him, I have put it all behind me along time ago, he is really a good guy, just hope he learned from what he did.
Never had this happen to me, why you ask? well if I give something to someone, I figure I will never get it back!, If I do get it back, that's great, If not, never again!
We,ve all had this happen to us at one point in our lives.Sometimes it,s not the dollar value,but a longtime friendship lost.DD I feel mostly for your parents that went out of their way to help your supposed friend.Saddly we will be hearing more of these stories as the American economy is in the dumps.Let this be a stepping block for you in lifes lessons.

P.S How do you like the paint job on my 66 Dart?(in primer)PAID to be fully painted and done by a supposed friend.:wack:
We,ve all had this happen to us at one point in our lives.Sometimes it,s not the dollar value,but a longtime friendship lost.DD I feel mostly for your parents that went out of their way to help your supposed friend.Saddly we will be hearing more of these stories as the American economy is in the dumps.Let this be a stepping block for you in lifes lessons.

P.S How do you like the paint job on my 66 Dart?(in primer)PAID to be fully painted and done by a supposed friend.:wack:
Well u hit it right on the head that the money herts ... but its loseing a friend .. who i tought was famliy but i want to thank u all for helping me get over this hard time ........ btw i think thaings are lookig my way my mom and dad are going to get theres and im going to get mine .. but i still lost a friend ... the sad thing is yall are being better friends to me and never meet me then him after know ,hang , working with me for 9ish years im still not going to post his name he stoped by and tolled my mom that his mom will pick up his check today and over night it to him and give this bs stor gf his gfs car broke and hes going to live with her .... but u know i guess only he knows what up .. i think that he got pissed the other night when he got a 9 mm and i told him he could not keep it in my home ... cuz i went in his room after that cuz i was helping him find a trade for his gas hog for a litttle car .. and he was takeing down all his stuff .. and tolled me he was rearaging it but u know mybe its im young and dum .... but i try to see the best in peeps and hope they dont bite me on there way out ... but ya
First he wern't no friend they don't screw each other, second what goes around comes around. Here's a short story back in the early 90s i was the pres. of a local car club we had a benifit picknik for a family that had lost everything due to a fire we collected money and also had a 50/50 i won the 50/50 pot [first time i ever won anything 90 bucks] i added it to the money we collected [back then money was tight for me] i don't think it was 2 weeks after the guy was arrested on possesion of crack and his house burnt down cause him and his ole lady was smokin crack in the bedroom set the place on fire. Since then i have never given anyone anything not even a cigirette i don't care if your down on your luck it's your problem,i don't trust no one. I helped out a so called friend by doing some work for him charged him very little [cause i thought we was friends] also sold him some parts cheap too found out later on that the parts were resold at triple what i sold them to him for [he was looking for another person i quoted him a price he said they could not afford that so i dropped the price] the work was for someone else also and again he charged them 4 times what i charged him and took credit for the work, so in closing i don't give a rats behind who you are i don't do no favors for no one no more. Sorry for the rant but thats how i delt with my bad experiances, everyones has given great advice so far but being a prick [my nick name is Lucifer] has worked for me, all of the local folks around here know exactly what side jobs i can do and how well it's done so theres no bs this is my price and that's it they know there's no favors. Don't let it tear you up some folks do scamming for a job they prey on kind and giving folks if they put that energy towards getting a job they would be productive.
I've been burned several times, but I can't dwell on it because it would only hurt me. Don't hold a grudge,it only hurts you. Just don't trust him again.
Well guys im done with it for now cuz all its doing is making me sick .. littlly sick .. So if he want to make it up then i will let him but i will not trust him after the stuff he said tonight im just going to quit posting bout him and see what he is going to do but i dang well know he aint coming back .. He said that theres to meny of us telling him how to run his life and that theres too many rules and he thanked me for helping him .. then he said im not doing drugs in yalls home im not drinking there .. by the way hes at a bar when i called him .. then said i never broke any rules of ur home and then when i started to tell bs that he brung a gun in my home he hung up on me so ya .. we will see he said hes going to pay me back 60 the he took but ya idk and at this point i really dont care.. its time to move on
inless its herting me or my own but ya i would like to thank all of u for talking to me and helping me get though this hard time i hope to one day be able o thank u face to face but ya knoow some of u are just to dang far away lol
I tell you ..... it seems that friends do the strangest things... just completely out of the air weird stuff. I bought a motorcycle from my best friend ( for around 15yrs) and the transmission was messed up. He didn't tell me that and it cost more than the bike to fix it. After letting some people know that the trans was toast they tell me that my friend KNEW it was bad BEFORE he sold it to me. I tell you that hurt my feelings. I will never trust him like that again. Its hard to find good people in this world. If my friend had a drug problem or something I could understand but he is a sober man.

I know how you feel doc
The biggest thing is, don't let it change who YOU are. You cannot just stop helpin people because of it. You don't have to help the same ones and you can be more careful, but don't stop trying.
Karma is a load of bull imo. I've been screwed over a few times without anything good happening, not by people, to believe in it.

I'd have to say I've been kinda lucky. I live in a place where people don't really need to borrow money. I'm not super poor but $60 for me is almost a full tank of gas. I'd be pissed too if someone, especially a friend just up and took that along with 900 from my parents. I'd be absolutely livid, and probably wouldn't handle it near as well as you did. Hey, at least you get payed in a couple days. That's no reason to suddenly turn into a tight fisted jerk though, just be more cautious about lending money, even to friends. Heck, if I borrow something from a friend I try to pay it back asap because I'd expect the same. You learn who your real friends are though, by lending them money and seeing how they respond. Looks like you found out about this guy... I hope you get this figured out soon. Stay strong.
I have been reading this thread Doc, and in all reality this hurt's the hart more then the wallet I am sure :coffee2:
I have been there many many times and I will continue to do what I can to help folks out.
Don't let anyone change your walk in life, our that is something ells they took from you Doc..
Aren't you glad you don't have to wake up and liv his life, he sounds like an empty person and will be alone until he finds another person to BS his way in to there life, This won't last..
Don't change Doc, just weed out the garden (so to speak).
Well im fighing to not call him cuz like mike said it herts the hart more then any thing let me put it to u this way i was his best man at his wedding .. then when that went to hell i was there but ya i think this is me just venting lol but my gf came home last night and is helping me get over this so i think im going to be ok ... no this will not change me it just made me alittle smarter but i dont expect him to pay what he o's my mom and dad but hay thats life i guess ... any way guys thanks for the ventting bout this stuff
Everyone is different, do not let this impact or change you as a person. Too many people let life get to them and turn them into something disgusting, lowering their trust, faith and good will towards others. There are a lot of creeps out there, but there are also people who are worth your time. I am who I am today because I never let people like that alter or change my ways of thinking, how I act towards others or behave. I've had 2 cars ripped off from me and $10,000 -- my sister stole $1,000 from me and only paid 250 back. My dad owes me $30,000. I've been betrayed and ripped off plenty, but there are times when I've met people who were worth my time and I'm glad I'm still the person I am, even though bad things happen. You can't avoid getting cut in life, you're a mopar man so im sure you got plenty of nicks and cuts on your hands. Maybe that isn't the best way to explain it, but it doesn't stop you from continuing to work on your cars does it? :) keep your head up, you're a good guy.