Im new to mopar



Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Elizabethton TN
Found this site after a lot of searching. I have a 1976 Feather Duster and when I looked up feather duster, I got cleaning supplies and thought I was lied to about the feather duster. trying to figure out what to do with it and enjoy reading some of your post. I retired from the army and now I know what it means to have a war pension into something.
welcome! so where are the pics and story of this feather duster?
where are you located as well it is not filled out in your signature?
Welcome to the site!Anything you need to know?Just go to the forums or ask away!Many knowledgeable guys to help!Pics.?
welcome! so where are the pics and story of this feather duster?
where are you located as well it is not filled out in your signature?
Im in East TN and I am still trying to figure out the camera stuff to transfer the pictures.