I'm sure everybody needs a laugh!



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
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This is one of those funny but not funny things. Our dog Sophie, who is my avatar, has never torn up anything in the 5 years we have had her. Nothing except the chew bones we give her. Well, the other night I get home and my wife says, " So, are you pleased with the dog?". To which I replied, " I guess so. Why?". Then she proceeds to take this reference book I had just checked out of the library from behind her back and shows me the first 5-6 pages are missing and the corner is chewed off and has holes all over it! I was shocked! Not only had she never done this but I had just checked this book out after renewing my library card that had expired 4 years ago. The book was on doing scenery and train layout stuff that I wanted to maybe do on my dioramas for my 1/64th cars. Why she did it is a mystery except that I usually play fetch with her every night and she had really wanted to play but I got home after dark that night.:dontknow: My wife went to the library to pay for it and the librarian thought it was hilarious. More so that we did to the tune of a $26 dog treat, She said the only story she had heard that was funnier was one where the dog chewed up a book on dog obedience training that somebody had checked out. I put this in the model section to let everybody know I just got a new book on HO layout scenery from my dog minus the first 6 pages. She ate them too.:)
WELL, sure is funny but can't be no worse then my daughter at the ripe ole age of 2 took and was trying to "slap" the fish away from the waters edge from feeding them with a $70 dollar book I got for Christmas, and didn't get to even open it to read! ON STEAM LOCOMOTIVES!

Yeah, I'm still "burning" over that one, the wife could have **** when she seen the book, ruined and it was autographed by the writer too! Needless to say, one of 10........I'll never find another one!

$70 latter plus the cost of all the fish that went belly up that my daughter says Dad, Mom look! They want their belly rubbed......
My dog Lucy just broke one of my new Pella windows. She was trying to get to a ground hog, who was outside in the yard, by trying to jump thru the window.

Anyone know a cheap way to replace the insulated glass in a Pella double sash frame?

Condolences to you on your loss!
Any chance you can get the window frame apart? IF so, buy plexi-glass to fit in place of the glass, and do both panes and you'll be on yer way! (I've pulled that trick several times over in apartments I lived not from Dogs but a roudy step-son and a friend from school wrestling around.....

Made a mess, to say the least (back then Plexi was cheap atleast) and a replacement window, not-so-much!
My dog Lucy just broke one of my new Pella windows. She was trying to get to a ground hog, who was outside in the yard, by trying to jump thru the window.Anyone know a cheap way to replace the insulated glass in a Pella double sash frame?Condolences to you on your loss!
Most glass places can order a replacement glass if you can get it apart which being a Pella should be possible. Will probably run you about half the cost of the entire window. If it's a standard size check to see if the local do it yourself stores have one like it that is salvage that you can rob it out of. The bad part about doing the plexi is that you paid for an r value insulation that is no longer there and without the gas in there you will get fogging and then mold.We used to have a dog that was deathly afraid of storms and she destroyed our screen door more times than I want to count. She would try to get in the house even if we weren't at home. So one time we left her inside and she destroyed the screen door to get OUT. They do keep a body entertained!