Impatient nasty aggressive drivers



Early-A Body Nerd
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Va
:protest:Always going to be a smattering of these idiots but here recently my once tranquil 15 mile commute(only 8 miles on the interstate thank god) is like a freaking nascar race on a restart dealing with reckless,overly aggressive inattentive moron's. Anyone else having more commuting issues than ever with bad drivers.

We had the first real rain in 3 months yesterday, dumped down like crazy, water pooled all over on the highway. Everyone's still driving like a bat out of hell, passed a van down in a deep ditch and a 4 car wreck a bit later. Just before getting home heard there were 2 more accidents, one had 3 dead and 3 in critical condition. What's the bloody hurry?
There is a "T" intersection on my way back and forth to work, this is a two lane road.
The speed limit is 55 thru there.
At least 4-5 times a week somebody will pull right out in front of you no matter which direction you are going.
:protest:Always going to be a smattering of these idiots but here recently my once tranquil 15 mile commute(only 8 miles on the interstate thank god) is like a freaking nascar race on a restart dealing with reckless,overly aggressive inattentive moron's. Anyone else having more commuting issues than ever with bad drivers.


I commuted 70 miles round trip for almost 10 years. Thankfully I work from home now. My route was mostly interstate 64 between Williamsburg and Hampton. If I had owned and carried a handgun I would be in prison for murder. Drivers here in our area are very inconsiderate. I've driven in many large metro areas and in different countries, this place is crazy. Don't get me started on left lane drivers..."get over dumbass!"
What I like is I am in the left lane passing a car going 70+ mph in a 55 zone and some people come haulin' *** and passing on my right because they can't wait for me to get over to the right lane.
Yesterday morning was doing a hair above the speed limiit (70) southbound on I81 here in VA and got passed by a black Ford 500 doing at least 80. Little bit down the road a northbound trooper in a marked Charger pulled a u turn and took off. Pulled that Ford over in less than a mile down the road. Damn, he was hauling a$$.
michigan drivers drive me crazy
they are the worst i've seen, second only to the french

funny story
i was on the autobahn one day driving my little opel kadett
i had her pegged and was going as fast as she would
i was flying along, minding my own buisness when i saw a little speck in my rear view mirror, it was tiny about the size of a fly
because i was in the fast lane i checked the speedo to see how fast i was doing
the needle was burried at 120 MPH
i looked back up and there was a BMW about 2 inches from my rear bumper flashing his highbeams for me to move over
it def seems to be worse than it was a few years ago. i drive a truck for a living and everyday seems to be a bigger headache than the one before. cant go fast enuff to keep from being run over and if your in a hurry you go slower and slower lol
Yea Demon, been down here 22 yrs. and it has always been terrible on 64 but rt 58 from western tidewater were I live has not been that bad until recently. My daily is a jeep wrangler & prefer to just get in right lane, enjoy the scenery and do 5 over the limit but oh no, will have at least once a day the dreaded up on your bumper, then pass madder than hell(middle finger gesture optional at me) & then cut you off with no turn signal( I showed him ). Just don't understand the mind set of these folks. Last thing I want to do is be all angry & stressed before I even get to work.
I had this issue taking my son to school today. The main road that we're on briefly is 3 lanes in each direction with a suicide lane. I see an opening and nail off in the Z71 and go. When some woman makes a small ford SUV 3 lanes wide, trying to force us off the road. Then the idiot behind her thinks its funny and decides he too should cause grief. I still won, but at the expense of fuel, and rising blood pressure. There's no reason I should have to peddle my daily like a dirt track car for a 1.4 mile round trip.
Just got back from AZ, 1500 miles or so each way. Issues with knuckleheads is the understatement. The usual idiotic truck drivers, you know, the kind that try to pass another truck by going .00000001 mph faster than the one in the right lane. I thought Oregon must have passed a new law, stay LEFT except to pass. (Truck driver again). Then there was the guy that stopped on the road way while figuring out if he wanted to turn into a parking lot on the left side of the road. The usual bunch of clowns that use the left lane as a driving lane.
I was leaving work late one night enroute home when some nutcase was sounding off his horn, pulled up next to me and started cursing at me. By this time, my Glock was on my lap pointing at my door as he rolled down his window. He cut me off then pulled over as I passed. I exited my car and he saw my LE credentials which changed his attitude. Lucky for him, he wisely averted lead poisoning that night.
Several years back at my Sons school, The Lady in front of me is dropping off her daughter. She's ignoring the girl and talking on her cell phone. The girl gets out with all her school supplies and accidentally closes her Jacket in the door. The stupid Effin Lady takes off and drags the girl with her. Luckily the girl was able to run fast enough to stay on her feet. I'm There blowing my horn. Finally the dumb *** stops and reaches across the seat and opens the door to free up the jacket. She looked all pissed at the girl who got to walk back 1/2 block to the school entrance. True Story
Several years back at my Sons school, The Lady in front of me is dropping off her daughter. She's ignoring the girl and talking on her cell phone. The girl gets out with all her school supplies and accidentally closes her Jacket in the door. The stupid Effin Lady takes off and drags the girl with her. Luckily the girl was able to run fast enough to stay on her feet. I'm There blowing my horn. Finally the dumb *** stops and reaches across the seat and opens the door to free up the jacket. She looked all pissed at the girl who got to walk back 1/2 block to the school entrance. True Story
I think autos should come with some sort of cell phone jamming device......
We have a trend with drivers around here that seem to think as long as they get in front of you, if you hit them it's your fault. You know the type. Your cruising down the street coming up on an intersection or a parking lot. The person will pull out of the lot or sidestreet at breakneck speed and into your lane (no matter which lane you're in) and let off the gas. Or they will hurry up and then change lanes in front of you and let off the gas like they forgot where they were going.

I call it the "Idle Wobble".
Can't get away from it, Colorado drivers suck too. Too many cars, not enough roads, too much cellphone/text bs while driving. I agree about the truck drivers on the interstates as well. If you are limited to 62 mph for fuel economy, stay in the right lane!
That is what I could never understand where are these people going?
I have never seen the beach disappear or the mall or anything? so what is the rush?
I find the opposite problem, drivers that are too slow -nice. I T bone one ladies car cause Mr Nicely stop and waved her in while I was doing 45 in a 45 towards a red light so I could hurry up and turn before traffic got the green. We got these dumb green arrows to turn left and 90% of the time, nobody is waiting to turn left after the light turns red.

Then we have the radar happy folks who drive right at the limit or below when their radar detector goes off. I seen one dude going under the limit yesterday in the left lane, I thought his radar was going off so I didn't go zipping right by him, sure enough, here comes a blue meanie going the other way. I was doing 10 km'h over in a 100 km/h zone and gently tap the brakes, cop kept on going. Then once he past, the jerk that was going 100 km'h is now going 120 km/h. Like why not go just a bit over ?

Radar detectors are illegal in Canada but I sure noticed the drivers who had them. I traveled 500 miles on my trip, no problems. I always sped a little and have no radar detector
We live in a culture of instant gratification. Our computers run faster and faster. Is it any surprise that Americans seem to want to live their lives as fast as their computers? This 'need for speed' has crept into our driving habits. Many of us now operate as if we have the "right to unimpeded progress". Meaning the only way I'll stop is if the light is 'actually red'. But I'm swerving around anything else!

(public transit driver for over 30 years)
:protest:Always going to be a smattering of these idiots but here recently my once tranquil 15 mile commute(only 8 miles on the interstate thank god) is like a freaking nascar race on a restart dealing with reckless,overly aggressive inattentive moron's. Anyone else having more commuting issues than ever with bad drivers.


I travelled the same 25km route back and forth to work for 12 years, the mornings were the worst, and yes the *** clown moron's were always a part of that commute, it wasn't till after awhile I realised it was the exact same people every single morning that were the ones driving like a-holes, you know the ones that think their time is more important then anyone else on the planet at all times of the day.
What I like is I am in the left lane passing a car going 70+ mph in a 55 zone and some people come haulin' *** and passing on my right because they can't wait for me to get over to the right lane.

Story of my life!!! LOL
That's when it's good to drive a 3400-lb. car with a souped-up 5.9L V8 :burnout:
FLORIDA...Drive where every 4th driver is over 80 can not see over the dash, drives into your lane and no matter how loud or long you hit the horn acts like they do not hear it and just keeps on coming..Now the out of state older drivers coming down not knowing where they are going..Oh, and when it rains they drive 35 on the 70 MPH on I-75 OR they all are stopped under the over pass like they have never seen rain before!!...I could use a Machine Gun mounted to my Hood..
I just wish people would share the road more. I don't care how fast I'm going, if I'm in the far left lane and somebody wants to go faster, I move over. Now it stinks when they don't step on the gas to pass me by so I can get back over in the lefty lane and not slow down.

Back when the limit was 55 mph, you had jerks driving 55 in the far left lane and refused to move over cause the limit was 55. It was like they were playing police officer and trying to slow down traffic.

The same if your driving straight and somebody makes a left turn in front of you, tap the brakes not your horn, people are not perfect, you can just step on the gas afterward to make up for the 5 seconds you lost by taping your brakes. If everybody waited for that big opening, traffic would back up even more so. Its called sharing the road.

I got no grips with old drivers, most try to drive the best they can and they don't floor it to prevent people from passing them. Its the jerks who try to play traffic cop that tick me off. You wanna drive slow, fine with me, just don't block the passing lanes or slow down even more if somebody tails you. People all have a different driving style and IMO there is no one way that is best, its what is comfortable to you so long as you don't crash or cause crashes.