.......inflated shipping charges......

You Canadians REALLY crack me up. I haven't sold a bumper to anyone in Canada since FedEx Ground upped the rate from about $60 to almost $120. UPS is even more - but I guess you guys expect us to eat that cost increase, too, right? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really though, some of my best friends are Canadians. :roll:

Give it a rest man, no one here is going to feel sorry for you because you're complaining about shipping. I'm sure everywhere here absolutely hates shipping. No one wants to find materials, pack everything up and get off their *** to go to the post office. And no one wants to deal with the idiots that work there either. Yet it's part of the job if you want to make some money. It's called work for a reason.

Boxes are free on craigslist. Tape is cheap when bought in bulk. A lot of grocery stores have post office outlets inside of them. Packing materials = your junk mail most of the time. I just don't get what the problem is. Why does it cost you $50 to talk to tirekickers? Are these people calling you collect or something? Maybe you should get with the program and get a cell phone. If your only mode of transportation gets less than 20mpg, don't get into a business where you have to do a lot of driving.
Materials cost money. If you are packing items with paper as filler, you better be buying insurance. Paper is a HORRIBLE filler material.

I ship stuff that sometimes takes 1 hr to box/package. Try boxing this up?

It's a fricken BLAST... NOT!!!

I try to build it into the price. Sometimes I get a better rate than the amount quoted on-line because of the amount of stuff I ship.

I tell people it's $X to ship. If that's agreeable, that's what it the buyer pays.

I do agree there is more to shipping than what you pay at the window.
Give it a rest man, no one here is going to feel sorry for you because you're complaining about shipping. I'm sure everywhere here absolutely hates shipping. No one wants to find materials, pack everything up and get off their *** to go to the post office. And no one wants to deal with the idiots that work there either. Yet it's part of the job if you want to make some money. It's called work for a reason.

Boxes are free on craigslist. Tape is cheap when bought in bulk. A lot of grocery stores have post office outlets inside of them. Packing materials = your junk mail most of the time. I just don't get what the problem is. Why does it cost you $50 to talk to tirekickers? Are these people calling you collect or something? Maybe you should get with the program and get a cell phone. If your only mode of transportation gets less than 20mpg, don't get into a business where you have to do a lot of driving.

:lol::lol::lol: You don't have a clue, do ya, dude??? I bet you're so cheap you make Rambler guys look like millionaires. :roll:

I have a track phone - I can talk to tire kickers for (like you, most likely) for about 8 hours straight for 60 bucks and 6 foot long packages don't fit in Geo Metros very well. Thanks for your sound business advice, though. :wink:

Ooooo - I almost have a hundred posts now. :toothy9:
I don't agree with that. I would say the price is $100 + shipping. That way if someone wants to come pick it up, it's $100. If someone wants me to ship it, they will pay for packing materials and shipping. Nobody has complained so far. Well, one guy in Canada did. But that was because he didn't want to pay for insurance.

I always quote the whole price, and have always stuck to it, even if I lost a little bit.

if the price is $100 and it costs $15 to ship it and you charge the buyer $135 they are going to be pissed off, and with good reason, because you lied to them and charged them for something without telling them first, and that is dishonest, now if you tell them upfront it is $100 for the item, $20 handling charge to pack it, and $15 shipping, total $135 the buyer knows what he is paying for because everything is upfront and honest, and if the buyer wants to pick it up it is $100, cash on the barrel

there is nothing wrong with charging a fair and reasonable handling fee, time and materials cost money, it is only a problem when people try and "hide" it in the shipping cost,
I have not bought stuff because they wanted a ridiculous price for shipping....eg: a $200 carby, they wanted $280 to ship it ....WTF ????.....I bought another carby from a different place, $106 to ship it.
Then another place, cost of part $108....shipping $111.....it's a regulator for a motorbike, it weighs less than a can of drink...WTF?????....so I've gone the back door, to get a friend from Utah to get it from San Diego.....and it's gonna take 2 weeks from SD to Utah....?????...WTF...are they walking so they can hand deliver it?????
I got other bike parts from England quicker and less freight charges too.
You Canadians REALLY crack me up. I haven't sold a bumper to anyone in Canada since FedEx Ground upped the rate from about $60 to almost $120. UPS is even more - but I guess you guys expect us to eat that cost increase, too, right? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really though, some of my best friends are Canadians. :roll:

No worries. Sounds like I'd rather buy elsewhere :thumbup:
Materials cost money. If you are packing items with paper as filler, you better be buying insurance. Paper is a HORRIBLE filler material.

I ship stuff that sometimes takes 1 hr to box/package. Try boxing this up?

It's a fricken BLAST... NOT!!!

I try to build it into the price. Sometimes I get a better rate than the amount quoted on-line because of the amount of stuff I ship.

I tell people it's $X to ship. If that's agreeable, that's what it the buyer pays.

I do agree there is more to shipping than what you pay at the window.

I agree with you as I have shipped parts all over the world and most people don't work for nothing and shouldn't expect me to work for free.Most small parts ship at actual cost but if I have to build a crate to ship a fender or an original set of 70 cuda rocker gills,I hope the buyer realizes that it took some time to package it up properly.Anyone that has bought parts from me can attest to this.
if the price is $100 and it costs $15 to ship it and you charge the buyer $135 they are going to be pissed off, and with good reason, because you lied to them and charged them for something without telling them first, and that is dishonest, now if you tell them upfront it is $100 for the item, $20 handling charge to pack it, and $15 shipping, total $135 the buyer knows what he is paying for because everything is upfront and honest, and if the buyer wants to pick it up it is $100, cash on the barrel

there is nothing wrong with charging a fair and reasonable handling fee, time and materials cost money, it is only a problem when people try and "hide" it in the shipping cost,

Once again, I'll disagree with you. I tell them it is $100 + $35 to get it to them. I don't say stupid, absolute, things, like, "it'll cost $100 plus the actual shipping charges are $15, and I'm gonna tack on $20 for no apparent reason."

You're being extremely literal, which very few people expect a seller to be. If I tell them it'll cost $35 to get the item to them, I stick to it, but it's really none of their business if "actual shipping" cost $35 or $.99. They agreed to $35. And I don't say "shipping and handling." I'm not selling a slap-chop. I think most buyers expect some packaging expenses.

Now, that being said, I always do my best to get the part there as inexpensively as possible. I've even returned money to people when shipping was less than I figured.

And as fr as people telling others here that this is easy and that is easy or convenient, you don't live in their town, or out in the country where they live. Shipping through the post office here is a PITA. It takes me over an hour to get to and from a post office, and ours used to close at lunch time. I don't know if it still does. I stopped going there. And I won't ship through USPS by doing some online thing and leaving it on my porch. My mailman will ignore it for days. It's fine to offer suggestions, but to assume everything is the same as where you live is naive, at best.
I think most people understand the work that goes into packing up odd sized parts. I think Kimmer just wants to know up front what the cost is, as close as possible.
I think most people understand the work that goes into packing up odd sized parts. I think Kimmer just wants to know up front what the cost is, as close as possible.

Totally. I agree completely. What I was addressing was someone claiming that someone that doesn't itemize the delivery costs is dishonest.
canadians bytch about everything ?
You have to understand when you ship from USA once it hits canada border .. its belongs to canada goverment .. NOT UPS .. NOT FED EX.. NOT USPS .. including any custom fees the Queen charges to deliver larger items to Englands overseas suburb .. Canada !
I used to deal worldwide & still do .. except canada !
Only way i ship to canada would be with a gun to my head & since canadians citizens cant own guns .. I dont !
Only way i ship to canada would be with a gun to my head & since canadians citizens cant own guns .. I dont !
And thats ok. You aren't the only game in town.
I buy from south of the border on a regular basis. We know it will be more. I just don't think you get Kimmers point:scratch:
As I said, on this site people are honest, it's the others that try to hide costs
............This could really turn into a real ***** fest.........all i want is honesty........when the guy says i went to the post office and got this quote, i have no reason not to believe him...........your total is....lets say $100.00.......part is $75.00+$25.00 shipping........with no mention of a handling fee or i ask if there is and he says i only charge for actuall shipping......i'm inclined to believe him............but when it arrives and shipping is alot less, it pisses me off.........if it wasn't an actuall quote, then i wouldnt be bitching........kim...........
No worries. Sounds like I'd rather buy elsewhere :thumbup:

Kool, I was just stating the fact that prices increased no matter which way you ship to Canada. As a result, a lot of people up there don't buy stuff down here and there's even a few who think it's the sellers ripping them off. FedEx Ground is probably the cheapest way to ship larger items up there nowadays but it's not cheap anymore.

Most of you guys have a pretty good sense of humor, too, and know when they're getting jacked around with. ;)

Most of you guys also have common sense but there's always a couple that don't. I still know a few guys up there that I still deal with - I just don't have what they're looking for. I know others (definately not me) that deliberately jack the prices up for several reasons - the extra paperwork involved is one thing and the long holdup at the border is another. Some of them are actually hoping that you'll think they're trying to rip you off just so they won't have to go through the hassle anyway. :geek:
Hey Kim I think you owe me a whole lot of fuel, tape, and doughnut money :evil::-\":poke:

.............Hey, Roger...........I'll personally deliver them too you this summer, oh, unless u can't waite till then.........i'll pay pal you..........he he he .......kim.........
Wow this post is getting long.
I like to use the flat rate boxes when possible. That way ther is no argument. Taking pay pal cuts into your parts money also. Small items not too bad but a $100 to $200 item and now your talking $10 or so.
I'm like most of you selling parts to keep both my darts running.