Intake Manifold Head Hight Alignment



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 31, 2018
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Quick question:

If my intake manifold fits perfectly with no gasket but then I add my two intake gaskets and the manifold is too high the:

Would the right amount to have the machine shop cut off on each side be as simple as the thickness of the gasket?
I always take a clean cut and then gasket thickness.

In other words, if you have an .062 gasket then I take a light cut until I have a clean surface and then I take that .062 off.

I’ve never seen an intake manifold that was flat. Not even new. On average it took about .007-.008 off just to get it clean.
Quick question:

If my intake manifold fits perfectly with no gasket but then I add my two intake gaskets and the manifold is too high the:

Would the right amount to have the machine shop cut off on each side be as simple as the thickness of the gasket?
That's what I'd do.
How do you know the intake is too high? By alignment of the ports or by the gap on the China walls?
How do you know the intake is too high? By alignment of the ports or by the gap on the China walls?
That’s an easy to look at thing. I just went through this exact issue.
Quick question:

If my intake manifold fits perfectly with no gasket but then I add my two intake gaskets and the manifold is too high the:

Yep! Just had this. It made me want to used O rings that fit was just so nice. Added gaskets and like you…. Grrrrrrr, off to the machine shop…..

Would the right amount to have the machine shop cut off on each side be as simple as the thickness of the gasket?

When I spoke to the machinist and asked that he take of this gasket thickness, (gasket in hand by the way, just to be sure)
He said no problem. Measure it up and suggested an extra .003 just to round it up. I just laughed and said go for it.

Dead on. Good fit

In other words, if you have an .062 gasket then I take a light cut until I have a clean surface and then I take that .062 off.

What can drive me crazy is the wacko alignment that can be fro to rear never mind the easy side to side up and down.
I can’t stand when the blocks are ill machined and someone called it good to go racing!
Nothing like having only a drivers bank of pistons start at the front positive @ .010 and gradually go to .013, while the other bank is dead flat.

Who the heck certifies this as good to go racing with?