iPad, iPhone users, some help plz, questions re: storage, backup



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
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Northwest Oregon
I've had my iPad for about a year and I really like it a lot. All my pictures and videos from my iPhone are automatically sync'd to my iPad. It's great! But my "cloud" storage got full right away, and I don't really know how to use it.

What are you using to back up / store your pictures? External hard drive? How do you like it? Something else?

What I don't really like about the iCloud is that every single photo is automatically backed up. I would rather it let me select which ones I want to back up. There are lots of photos I take that I don't need to save. For example, that's the beauty of digital photographs; take multiple pics of your subject and keep the best one. But they all automatically go to the cloud, filling up my storage prematurely. Is there a better way of managing photos?
You can disable the autosave feature I believe. Then delte the pictures you don't want from it. That frees up a lot of space. I suppose you could also use an external harddrive. That would be your best bet to store things off the phone
I use Dropbox . I can select pictures from my phone and they automatically upload on my laptop and other devices . Just need to upload the app