Irwindale Ca.Track closeing??

the chapter 7 was filed by the people who leased the track (property) ...not the property owner....the owner was quoted saying he would like to keep the property as a race track....

Right, Tony. I was talking about the track itself, not the who's. If you read all the different posts it finally gets around to who the "who's" are, bottom line the track is closed and filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy.

I posted a release sent to me by Dave Grayson this morning that pretty much sums everything up.

There has been so much drama around here lately concerning these different race tracks it's hard to remember who is doing what. LOL.

Thanks for the link, Russ. That was more info than previously posted.
I know I'd sure like to see some new and better management in at Irwindale. My club, Inland Mopars, had a 'killer' all-Mopar car show scheduled to go at the Speedway on May 19th. Unfortunately, the closure killed our show for 2012 as we now have neither a show venue nor time to adequately plan the quality show we want to have. Hopefully, 2013 will be kinder to us.
I am going to Barona this sunday to test the 60 shot.Hate the drive there but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.Guzzi Mark
Quick question Guzzi Mark. Are you the same Guzzi Mark that's around the LA, OC area that works on Moto Guzzi's I've heard about?

"If Guzzi Mark can't fix it it can't be fixed!!"? If so, I've talked to you a year of so ago on a Guzzi shaft drive for a guy named Gerald when I put his heinz 57 shaft drive together and boy did I have questions at that time.

Also, if it's you, thanks. It worked!

San Bernardino
Yes I am in Long Beach,I own Moto Guzzi Classics.Somehow I got the nickname,Guzzi Mark
Thought so, didn't figure that there was two of you. I know two guys that know you, Gerald Lair being one of them. He was changing to a different rim, and therefore for some reason he had to heinz 57 the "hub" for the spokes to fit the rim or something like that. I talked to you after he got most of the parts from you because I didn't like the way the ring gear was retained in the case. But you said it works, and damn, it did. Imagine that. I got two of them all apart and he had one powder coated, then I assembled what he wanted from the two.

By the way, thanks again.


Bankruptcy stuff will stall things for a little while.

Jim Mnoian is a reasonable and great guy, by all accounts from the people that have talked with him and known him for years.

It's about getting the "right" group back in there.

Saugus Speedway was very successful in putting people in the stands considering what they had to work with (pretty dumpy). Ray Wilkings promoted that track and was the very first promoter for Irwindale Speedway in it's first year.

After the first year, Wilkings and Jim Williams (owner) parted ways after differences. Williams, with an Indy car background, didn't want the typical local short track "low brow" features like train racing, demo derby, auto soccer, etc. Years later after spectator decline, Irwindale added demo derby's, outlaw figure 8 races, trailer boat races, etc. A little late.

Read this about the old Saugus Speedway:

"This year (1993), Saugus Speedway's audience is averaging 4,200 fans, up from about 2,800 five years ago."

The bathrooms there were horrible. For as little as they had. Spectators parked on dirt. You pitted on gravel or if you were lucky rough lumpy broken concrete or asphalt. The stands were splinter fest. The pit stands were mostly lawn chairs. Seriously we would line up lawn chairs all along turns 1 and 2 first come, first served... And they still got 4,200 fans a night!
Thought so, didn't figure that there was two of you. I know two guys that know you, Gerald Lair being one of them. He was changing to a different rim, and therefore for some reason he had to heinz 57 the "hub" for the spokes to fit the rim or something like that. I talked to you after he got most of the parts from you because I didn't like the way the ring gear was retained in the case. But you said it works, and damn, it did. Imagine that. I got two of them all apart and he had one powder coated, then I assembled what he wanted from the two.

By the way, thanks again.


Psssssssst Russ, here's a pic of Gerald taking my Cuda to the paint shop. You probably remember that day!

View attachment Gerald taking Slimer to the paint shop 12-27-99.jpg

Small world .......

Okay back to the regularly scheduled programming. :-D
You bet your bibby, Lee. I also remember when it came back. One of the few times I had to wear sun glasses!!

I wonder how many of the folks here would be surprised it they knew how many times you went to Orange Show with me to help on my racecar in the pits? I think Blythe, too. And all the nights and days working on that damn thing in the driveway? Waking you up at 1:00 AM while we pounded on it, getting ready for Saturday night, and instead of complaining you would come over and ask what to do next? The good 'ole days.

Ehhhhh, I've never really been one to complain much about anything. It's a lot more enjoyable to do than just sit around and talk about it or watch somebody else work. Pam will probably laugh when you tell her I still call used rivets 'tire killers.'

I sure do miss all of that Russ, but secretly I miss having time to do something else other than work 24/7 ... and the smell of 116 in the morning. :-D