Is an ignition lock reuseable?



Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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northampton ,pa
Need to replace the ignition switch in my 69 Cuda, can you remove the old ignition lock and reinstall in the new ignition switch?, If so how do you do it?? Been trouble shooting a no start, seems like the run part of my ignition switch is not suppling power to the coil.
Need to replace the ignition switch in my 69 Cuda, can you remove the old ignition lock and reinstall in the new ignition switch?, If so how do you do it?? Been trouble shooting a no start, seems like the run part of my ignition switch is not suppling power to the coil.
The "run" circuit would not contribute to a no start, since it isn't active during starting. If you haven't got spark when starting, it would be in your start circuit, not the run circuit. (IGN1 is run, IGN2 is start- you do have a FSM, right?).
Better double-check your troubleshoot.
This is all assuming you have factory ignition.
Did you check the ballast resistor?
Since IGN2 bypasses the ballast resistor while starting, it takes the ballast out of the equation for a no start.
I have the '69 factory service manual. I dont see any instructions in there saying how to take lock cylinder out of switch? From googling seems you have to turn key and push some button in somewhere? A and B bodies same ignition switch and 69 is unique. All I see in FSM is remove collar unplug switch and reverse not a single word I can find about removing lock cylinder from switch?? Anyone got a page number??
Haven't done a 69 yet, but can you remove the cap that holds the pins and springs? If so, you can replace them with originals to match the key.

And yes, '69 is one year only; and most aftermarket switches are incorrect.
I believe @mobileparts has NOS ones that are correct. If you do indeed need one, I'd contact him.
Thank you for the information, Directions are very helpful, I was going to order from Dante's Mopar Parts, heard good things about them. As far as trouble shooting, this is a none OEM ignition, I am using a Pertronix dist., and there matching coil, no resister block used, I have the Igni 1 and Ign2 hooked together, When I crank the car it seems to want to fire up, but when you leave the key go to the run position is just dies, that is what makes me think I am losing Igni 1 or Igni 2 from the switch.
Pulled my 1969 ignition switch out. To remove lock cylinder I put key in run position then took screw driver pushed little button in through hole in housing. Then cylinder pulled out.

That seems like the correct way to remove it! I will try that.
I had to put key back in Run position when pushing lock cylinder into new switch housing. That way the little button was able to easily push into the lock cylinder. Once key out of Run position that little button won't push in. But once I figured it out was real easy to do.
If you have a problem finding a '69 only ignition switch, I have a good used one I'll sell.