Is it wrong to clone?

nothing wrong with cloning. as stated,as long as you are not passing it off to some hapless fool that doesn't know better later. that said,also,it's your car,build it your way and enjoy it. i personnally,have never,will never, build,customize,modify any of my cars with the intent,worry,or concern,of it's value,what it's "worth" to someone else,or if it's going to be worth a certain amount of money in the future. i am into my mopars for me. and my love for them. if you are buying cars,with the worry of how much it will be worth in the future,this isn't a hobby here for you,go flip toyotas or chevys somewhere. my 2 cents.
I am all for it! It is a car, a whole bunch of Mopar parts that are combined to create a vehicle. If it is mine, I will customize, modify, recreate, restify, clone, upgrade, and do pretty much whatever I want to with it. I only hope that everyone would be forthright about what their car is since that means so much to so many.
Right now, I am finishing up a "one of none" car by converting my 65 Valiant Signet Convertible into a 65 Formula S Barracuda Convertible, something that was never made. So that can't be a clone. Can't even be a tribute, or replica, or re-body. It is all authentic parts taken from a 65 Formula S basket case and the only difference is that I put on my George Barris/Alexander Brothers hat and created a custom decklid. I will be posting pictures asap. I need to get the interior finished (front sets covered, door panels installed) the brakes flushed, bled, and adjusted, and the front end aligned. Then I will be out turning heads, even the Mopar guys will be saying, " Wow, what is that? Did they make a 65 convertible Barracuda?" The best part will be, when folks give me that famous line, " My_______* had one of those." I will be able to say, " Nope! Not one of these!"

*insert your choice of relative here... dad, grandpa, Uncle Fred, cousin...

Caution: If we are not careful, we begin to idol worship!!
at the end of the day, its your car, do whatever the hell pleases you, just dont try to pass it off as one,
It's kinda like going out to eat at Burger King, HAVE IT YOUR WAY !!!! Ialways loved the Demon tail lights,and often thought of putting them on my '71 Duster !! There's always going to be someone to try and piss in your Cherios,but I say DARE TO BE DIFFERENT,you'll be glad you did !!

I am exactly the opposite! I have always hated the demon taillights, I was going to put duster taillights on a demon! Or put a demon front on a duster.

I say, Do what makes you happy. Unless it is a really rare well optioned car, then get another and do what makes you happy! :toothy10:

but don't try to pass it off as a real one. Be proud of your fake!
I am turning a 75 Duster in to a 71 Demon. Nothing wrong with it to me. I would not se a desirable car to do it like an original 340 car but other than that as long as you tell people it is a clone if you ever try to sell it it's all good.
I'm with the majority--your car, your money, your choice. The "rub" comes when you sell it or what the new owner does with it. I did a Hemi Dart clone once & 2 owners later I get an E-mail telling me the second owner after me is trying to sell it as an original. I had put just enough hidden flaws in the thing (on purpose) just to combat this situation. When this person re-contacted the seller & told him what he knew of the car, it was pulled the next day!:cheers: If it were me I'd do the exact same thing to your Duster & enjoy the heck out of it!