Is PBS having a contest?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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to see how many liberal biased, stupid, programs they can foist up on?

"Royal Memories?" Really. Do I really give a **** about what Prince what's-his-name and the kids did at the lake?

"Asia Insight." This seems to have just shown up today, so I can't say, yet, how stupid this damn thing might be

"Global 3000" Ditto

"Moyers & Company" This for some reason seems to be something that PBS is incredibly proud of, as it's on just about all of their sub channels, several times a week. What BullShit this moron preaches. Even IF I was a liberal, I'd be embarrassed

"European Journal". On the face, it sounds like it might be a "Eurpean Journal." But like all so called news, it's just BullShit

"America Reframed." OK, do we REALLY NEED to "reframe" America?

"Linkasia." no comment needed

Now these are just a few in a few seconds that I came up with off the DTV converter box sched / menu.

Bear in mind that this is on TOP of the vast array of silly British comedy/ drama which no one can understand on account'a fu fa fa fa ..............fa..........fa.fafa.faaaaaaaaaa

and the ENDLESS cooking shows, one of which is particulary infuriating because it features A CONVICTED FELON

And THAT is on top of the just plain INSULTINGLY silly programs like "Motorweek" where their so called mechanic "Now, children, before WE can repair the car, WE must learn our alphabet, so recite with ME, A, B, C"

Financial/ investment shows........Do ya really really think anyone of any importance, with any money, with any serious investments, actually watches PBS?

Sorry for the rant. I'm gonna go have a Coke
I often don't have the money or energy for anything better
I often don't have the money or energy for anything better

I understand...I'm lucky enough to live where the library system is good and helpful and they have enough books and dvd's to keep me interested.
All kinds of dvd's too, stuff I would never have expected.
Well I don't watch all that much, but I don't have cable, anymore, either. But as I have now gotten older, and my health / energy has declined, "it would be nice" to just relax some.

I still enjoy the outdoors programs (interesting on the wolverines) but seems to me PBS has become INCREDIBLY overloaded with worldly crap that I cannot do anything about

............which is one reason I spend time on here, LOL
Some of their kids shows are still pretty good, Super Why and Dinosaur Train being my favorites (my oldest kid just started kindergarten this year, so we are well versed in children's shows). There is a really good woodworking show that I sometimes catch when I flip through in the evening. It seems to be one of those shows for normal people who don't have thousands of dollars of specialized tools to play with on the weekend.

I do wish they would just run commercials so they wouldn't have to do a pledge drive what seems like every month.
Gave up TV, life is better.

Xs2 ...I have a big TV but no cable just a DVD player connected to it and a small collection of hand picked movies that I still enjoy ....mostly Disney for me with NO commercials.

I know I am supposed to be a "grown up" but I actually enjoy kids shows too....they are clean and don't cloud your brain with crap (excuse potty mouth) if they can stimulate learning for kids then why cant they stimulate learning for "adults" too. I think kids shows are healthy brain food for "adults" too. I like Chuggington and some of the Disney shows like "Shake it up"

And the Disney movies are awesome ...I have "wreck it Ralph" "monsters University" and I got "Despicable Me 2" for Christmas :-D
to see how many liberal biased, stupid, programs they can foist up on?

"Royal Memories?" Really. Do I really give a **** about what Prince what's-his-name and the kids did at the lake?

"Asia Insight." This seems to have just shown up today, so I can't say, yet, how stupid this damn thing might be

"Global 3000" Ditto

"Moyers & Company" This for some reason seems to be something that PBS is incredibly proud of, as it's on just about all of their sub channels, several times a week. What BullShit this moron preaches. Even IF I was a liberal, I'd be embarrassed

"European Journal". On the face, it sounds like it might be a "Eurpean Journal." But like all so called news, it's just BullShit

"America Reframed." OK, do we REALLY NEED to "reframe" America?

"Linkasia." no comment needed

Now these are just a few in a few seconds that I came up with off the DTV converter box sched / menu.

Bear in mind that this is on TOP of the vast array of silly British comedy/ drama which no one can understand on account'a fu fa fa fa ..............fa..........fa.fafa.faaaaaaaaaa

and the ENDLESS cooking shows, one of which is particulary infuriating because it features A CONVICTED FELON

And THAT is on top of the just plain INSULTINGLY silly programs like "Motorweek" where their so called mechanic "Now, children, before WE can repair the car, WE must learn our alphabet, so recite with ME, A, B, C"

Financial/ investment shows........Do ya really really think anyone of any importance, with any money, with any serious investments, actually watches PBS?

Sorry for the rant. I'm gonna go have a Coke

LMAO.......dude, I hear ya. I think you're more likely to hear about how you can lessen your personal "carbon footprint" on PBS more than anywhere else!! AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! And that just makes me wanna go pump my Holley double pumper about 5 full times before I start my car.

OR.....they will air a show about cars and it ends up being something like some little plastic fruitcake-mobile that's electric and is driver-less. YAYYY!!

LOL.....when you mentioned "Global 3000", it reminded me of one of my old favorite shows, which was hilarious and insane, "Mystery Science Theatre 3000".
I like The Antiques Roadshow.
I like The Antiques Roadshow.

I do, too. It's one of the few programs that they air that doesn't have a political agenda behind it. I also like the This Old House episodes. They're fairly PC, and really amount to slightly more than infomercials, but I still enjoy it.
I love watching their overly PC remedies, and their over the top safety practices that I rarely (never) see on a construction site.

In response to the OP, remember that PBS serves two functions, neither of which have anything to do with the original concept of public TV, which was "educational programming that commercial TV would not support.

The first function is to promote a liberal agenda, as repayment for the Liberal's support the continuance as recipients of funding from the Federal government through the National Endowment for the Arts.
The second is to raise money for the PBS Network, and the local stations.

btw, regarding funding from the Feds via the NEA, it's my opinion, that the idea of funding PBS is outdated. As proof I offer the success of stations like HGTV, A&E, TLC, The Science channel, Animal Planet, etc. Prior to the advent of cable TV, everyone of these stations would not have made it on commercial broadcast TV. Cable has made it possible for these channels to not only exist, but to become very viable and profitable national networks.
PBS can do precisely the same thing and no longer be a drain of the NEA, and no longer have a need to spend hours of broadcast time publicly begging for donations.
Their programming is such that it can be sold as commercial programming with excellent results. Cable TV has proved that to be a fact.
. As proof I offer the success of stations like HGTV, A&E, TLC, The Science channel, Animal Planet, etc. .

The problem is what you have named here is not broadcast TV. All that is CABLE.

That could be anything, and is "all commercial, all the time." By that I mean it's all paid for by the customer base, "you have to sign up"

(I wouldn't mind signing up, if I could get what I wanted. Discovery channel, for example last I saw it, has become something of a joke.)

Here's the thing. The FCC is supposed to insure that airspace, OUR airspace, the RF spectrum that is finite in practical terms, is "fairly used." We all know this doesn't happen, a simple "tune" from the bottom of AM to the top of the TV OTA channels proves this.

But the one big big difference between PBS and "the rest" is..........

The "rest" (except through advertising which I cannot control) is not asking me to send them money.

And "allegedly" the "rest" are not getting tax money to run the show as PBS is so doing.
I still enjoy the outdoors programs (interesting on the wolverines) but seems to me PBS has become INCREDIBLY overloaded with worldly crap that I cannot do anything about

If being worldly is the ills of the "dirty liberal", its no wonder america gets called the dumb country.

Expand your horizons, you only make yourself look worse when you're a xenophobe.

edit: other than the royalty show. I don't understand who is suppose to give a xxxx about those inbred idiots who are nothing more than a reminder of how terrible the world was in the feudal system.
Surprised nobody brought up Downton Abbey, every woman I know watches the show on PBS. Had to tape it for my wife last night, glad I have a second TV.
I like watching the woodrights shop. I think that's the name of it. It's the one where he doesn't use any power tools, just old tools or reproductions. Around here there is a network sub channel (ME) can't remember which network it is, but they show old shows, Adam 12, Giligans Island...
The problem is what you have named here is not broadcast TV. All that is CABLE...

I think You missed my point. What I said was this. Those cable shows are still supported by commercial advertisers. For example, HGTV has Home Depot, Lowes, and Ikea as their main sources of revenue.
The same with the other stations I mentioned. The fact that this type of programming, once thought to be very targeted, has gone main stream and is successful, negates the need for publicly funded TV.
As with the original 3 networks, the programming shown on NPR, can easily be SOLD, instead of begged for, and broadcast over the air as well as cable.
A simple TV antenna would bring it to your home, with no need for funding through taxes, a cable, a sat, or anything other than a TV and an antenna.
I think You missed my point. What I said was this. Those cable shows are still supported by commercial advertisers. For example, HGTV has Home Depot, Lowes, and Ikea as their main sources of revenue.
The same with the other stations I mentioned. The fact that this type of programming, once thought to be very targeted, has gone main stream and is successful, negates the need for publicly funded TV.
As with the original 3 networks, the programming shown on NPR, can easily be SOLD, instead of begged for, and broadcast over the air as well as cable.
A simple TV antenna would bring it to your home, with no need for funding through taxes, a cable, a sat, or anything other than a TV and an antenna.

but what does that sold-off tv get you??

Between PBS and "lowest common denominator broadcasting", i'd choose PBS every time.

Do we need another channel with shows about white trash bikers, white trash car builders, faux white trash duck call makers, or, white trash families with single digit IQs?(honey boo-boo)

Your argument would be valid if TV had not decided that "thinking" was a hindrance to ratings. Pick a tv network then your favorite show. Free, and no aggravation.
My grandfather used to say he could never support PBS, because a government supported TV station was a communist idea. I tend to agree with him. Liberals use it to push their agenda.
My grandfather used to say he could never support PBS, because a government supported TV station was a communist idea. I tend to agree with him. Liberals use it to push their agenda.

That's the stupidest thing i have ever read.

Does your grandfather not support police, fireman, roads, or libraries? All things that are "communist ideas"

There is a reason why the conservative party makes a laughable *** of itself and its stuff like this. I'd swear all rational thought has just been tossed out the door in favor of rampant paranoia and irrational beliefs.

But thanks for getting so nutty that in theory a 3rd party could have a chance this next election. Maybe it will be an end to the republitard and democreep two party system.