is there a Dr in the house??



Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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hey i lookin 4 a quick medical question to be answered so i can get back to my scamp lol is there any dr on now?
i get a severe like knock u off ur *** headache when i do anything strenuous or anything that gets my heart rate up even sex with the wife and it hurts really bad my question is wat is it ??
it could be high blood pressure, heart pumps too fast and you blood pressure creates some extra pressure on your brain and there ya go, however im not a doctor but i get migranes and thats what they checked me for. longgone is right though dont dick around with something like this it can be really serious, see a real doc asap
Mrs. R-fish - RN sez;

I suspect it could be a blood flow problem. Which could be caused by a numerous amounts of disorders;


Do not pass go, do no collect $200, go straight to the doctor now.
First Doc, primary care Phy.
2nd Cardiologist
ya i was thinking blood pressure mself i mean hell im only 21 years old though and have no insurance so the doctor thing is kinda out the question but i do have a doc friend i need to ask thanks guys
Go see a real doctor tomorrow, don`t B.S. around with something like that.

Yes Longgone I say Get to a doctor :read2: His hart rate and pressure sounds like it is dropping to fast or to high and can cause a stroke!!!!!
I am not a Doctor , But worked around them for 15 year

This is sbmopar318 first priority tomorrow morning or know!!!......
ya i was thinking blood pressure mself i mean hell im only 21 years old though and have no insurance so the doctor thing is kinda out the question but i do have a doc friend i need to ask thanks guys

Go to your local Albertson's or any other store with the blood pressure checks (not the most accurate, but they'll at least give you a ball park). Look up what your ideal BP would be for your height/weight/sex/etc.

Do you have any other conditions? Are you overweight? How active are you?
age dont make a difference, my sister had high bp when she was like 11, both doctors and my parents were worried but shes fine now, oh and most ers have to take you, even with no insurance
ya i was thinking blood pressure mself i mean hell im only 21 years old though and have no insurance so the doctor thing is kinda out the question but i do have a doc friend i need to ask thanks guys
There are more and more young stroke victims these days bud, so pond or sell a rifle or shot gun if needed, or something of value, They can be replaced you can't
You should be able to stop at any fire station and they will take your blood pressure, heart rate, etc. for free.

Please go ASAP.
Mrs. Fish continues to say;

Headaches are usually caused by constriction or over dilation of blood vessels in the brain. The causes of this reaction are plentiful. Most common is oxygenation problems. For someone your age, you may be experiencing what is called orthostatic hypotension which is marked by sudden dizziness, weakness, headache and even the sensation of passing out or actually passing out. This is caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure which in turn deprives the brain temporarily of ample blood flow and oxygen. The headache can be severe, but will subside after a few moments. Blood pressure drops can be caused my many many reasons and that's why you need to see a doctor.
Are you nucking futs? Get your butt to a medic, ASAP!
If not for you, do it for your wife. Think of all the therapy she will have to pay for if you kick off on top of her mid bump.........
Mrs. Fish continues to say;

Orthostatic hypotention is caused when going from a resting state to an active one. Common things that can cause it are drugs leagal and illicit, diet, general health, dehydration. Some tips to prevent them is to change from resting to active gradually. When lying down, slowly rise to sitting, when sitting to standing, move your legs vigorously prior to rising. If you feel the head ache coming on, immediately place your head lower than your heart. Using community blood pressure machines will give you your resting blood pressure, but to see if you suffer from orthostatic hypotension, you will need readings lying down, sitting and standing, maybe even a stress test which will test your heart's function, but your blood pressure is monitored very carefully before during and after the test and will detect any abnormalitiies.
As a person that has been through this before...twice...........GO TO THE ER NOW! If anyone has a major headache that occurs after certain events (stress, exercise, or anything) go to the hospital right then and let them check you over. The best time to figure out the exact cause is during the time that the patient is having the issue. If you go to the doctor and feel fine they may not go to the extent to find out the true cause. HOWEVER, if you go in and present as a patient that is under extreme pain, they will test and test until they find the cause.

I used to make fun of people that said they had "a migraine". That is until I was at work (22 years old). I was laughing, joking and having fun. Then it was like a light switch got flipped. I started getting tunnel vision and things sounded like I was underwater. I had a friend come by about that time to see me. I told her I was feeling strange and within 2 minutes I was asking her to take me home. She drove me home, I went straight to bed and curled up in a ball. About 20 seconds of laying there, I thought I was dying. I jumped up and basically ran to the car and demanded somone take me to the doctor. When we got to the minor emergency clinic the staff came out a just yelled back inside to call the ambulance. Well being that I was in a car my Mom decided to just take me to the hospital as she could get me there quicker than the ambulance could come pick me up and get me there. Well by the time that we got there I was posturing with both hands above my right ear and my feet had both wedged between the seat and console of my Moms car. Plus my face was drawn back on one side. It was not a fun ordeal and I would NEVER wish that on ANYONE! Long story short, if you have a headache that makes you think, WOW something is not right, GO TO THE ER RIGHT THEN. It could be a lifesaver!!!
I just went back to my post above and high lited these words...

Do not pass go, do no collect $200, go straight to the doctor now.

Follow the echo advice, CarCrazy is shoutin at you to do something and the two of us here are saying the same thing.
I am not a doctor and I dont play one in my Duster, but sudden severe head pain is a major red flag. Get to a doc and get it looked at.

If you have any doubts please do a search on Laura Branigan G-D rest her soul.
Sooooooooo, did someone make it to the Doc's?
Sooooooooo, did someone make it to the Doc's?

Please put ALL of our minds at ease by answering "YES" to the question in the posting above this one.

You can play games, but NOT with your health. Get it Checked out!!!!!!!
ok ok i talked to my doc and he said i have slightly higher than norm bp but not bad he said i was dehidrated which is a problem i have i always forget to drink like right now ive only had 1 glass of water all day and its almost midnight and also i have sinus issues where they constantly are inflammed which cud be irratated by sudden increase in heart rate so we met in the middle no real test unless it doesnt go away with the cold eather season let my sinus get better and drink more
Glad to hear it`s not anything too serious. Even though you are young you should still try to take care of yourself. It`s easy to get busy and overlook things but make a conscious effort to eat, drink, and exercise right. We`re all a little like cars, if you keep up regular maintenance you`ll be able to travel many more miles in the long haul.