Is there a way to identify a Hi or Low horn?



Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
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Dunnellon Fl
My sons Dart came with one horn mounted at the top of the core support. The wire is there for the other horn that goes below it. I believe its a HI horn but I was wondering if there's any way to identify the Hi from the Low if I find some at a swap meet?
That's the info I was looking for! Thanks Sedanman! Gonna have to take his off and clean it up so I know where to look.
Yea there is . the low horn will sat "Spartan" followed by, in small letters, "lo", and is usually plastic coupled with metal . the high horn is usually all metal . Which one goes where doesn't matter.
Yea there is . the low horn will sat "Spartan" followed by, in small letters, "lo", and is usually plastic coupled with metal . the high horn is usually all metal . Which one goes where doesn't matter.
Good info, thanks.
The Hi horn has a smaller cinnamon roll center that leaves about an inch around the outside as a flat, the Lo horn cinnamon swirl goes almost to the lip of the outside rim!!
They vary with year. The original for my 64 Valiant is just a single, at least I think since what was in it and matches internet photos. Regardless I have M-B horns on both A's now since they are small and come on the radiator pusher fans I added.