Is There an Apiarist in the House?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
My plastic water meter box is outside on the street and recently I notice there are a string of honey bees going in and out of the hole used to open the lid. I have not been brave enough to pop it open and look inside yet. What do you think is going on here? Thank you.

Honey bees are protected. If you Google up bee keepers in your area, usually one of them will come collect them & give them a happy new home.
I agree, there are beekeepers everywhere. They will take care if them.
My nephew gave me a bee box quite some time ago. Maybe this is my chance to manage my own hive. I guess the meter could be leaking water and the bees are just going inside for a drink. But another possibility is a queen bee may have taken up residence. I don't claim to be an expert, just guessing for now.
We need pics of the inside! Find a local bee keeper and see if they'll daze them while you take pics. Then move them elsewhere.

Or, leave them be(e) and the meter reader won't mess with you! Cheaper water.
My brother does that. Don't let them charge you to take em. They make money off honey, so they should at least take them off your hands, there is definitely a hive in there.

Or Google diy bee vacuum.

Where you located
i think there are bees going in through the going to go out on a limb and say there is a hive in there.a guy i work with(howard)would probably be interested in them.
Utility companies will just kill them.
Which is okay unless they actually are honey bees
My nephew raises bees and honey, but the Saturday he was supposed to come over to remove the hive (he lives out of town) I got stood up.

Then one morning I was out front picking up the darn dog droppings from the neighbor's pets that run loose all the time, when one of my toes began to "burn." I was wearing shorts and flipflops. A bee had stung me. I pulled out the stinger immediately. It only hurt for about an hour.

The bees are gone today, so I opened up the water meter box. Someone destroyed the hive, guess it was the utility company. A neighbor has a hive in his backyard, I'm going to try to hijack that hive one of these days (already have permission from the property owner).


