Is this a good deal ? Work truck/tow rig

That truck looks to be in decent shape. 4500 is a good starting point IMO, but as always counter offer.

Diesels I'm not too familiar with. I'd offer him 3500 and see what the reaction is. If he claims it's had a bunch of work, ask for documentation to back it up.
Those old 12 valve 5.9 Cummins are great motors even tho you can hear them comming from a mile away..They are a little harder to increase horsepower on as the updates are mechanical.If it has been serviced properly that kind of milage is barley broke in kind of miles.The newer ones you can just chip them and help em a bunch.Like Badsport stated I would offer him $3500 and see what he says.Always ask for proof of updates or improvement.'s a slushpump (should be OD), so either the trans has been replaced or needs to be. It's a 2WD, which is kind of a bummer...and those wheels are HIDEOUS!
Those have been good trucks and are in high demand in this area. We seldom sold drive train parts for them when I worked at the salvage.
Got a beat up '93 Dodge Cummins "Ton and a half" for a ranch truck. Granted mine is a 4x4 which really helps. Those Cummins will pull anything.
Sent email for more details, thinking it may have dash cluster issues based on the temp gauge and 'mystery' milage. WIll see what I get back. If the BS meter doesn't peg out, I'll take $3500 in cash and go look at it. Based on book value thats not far off fair condition price anyway
FWIW, I have seen LOTS of those diesel Rams with bad speedo/odos. I wonder...were these the first trucks to switch from cable-driven to electronic speedometers? If so...well, that might explain it.