Is this technology for real?

I just read the first paragraph in red, so I certainly don't know the whole story on this company. But I do know that it's difficult to make hydrogen efficient because we don't have any naturally occurring hydrogen here on Earth, so we have to get it by separating the oxygen and hydrogen molecules in water. But that processes uses more energy than the hydrogen has stored in it, making hydrogen an inefficient fuel. Plus, from a geological perspective it's probably not a good idea to be taking the naturally occurring liquid water and changing it into two gasses. I have to think that there could be some serious long term repercussions to the balance of nature!
I am sceptical. I would like to see an independent laboratory test the product. Interestingly, way down on the page is noted a "covalizer" fluid that must be added for the process to function. Hmmmm?
Notice none of the testimonials are from actual people, all of them are either an abbreviated last name or just "mechanic". It's a scam.
Hydrolysis has been around for a long time. The result is what is know as "brown gas" (HHO). The fact remains that it takes more energy (electricity) than is produced (HHO). They are converting one form of latent energy to another. The laws of physics have yet to be repealed.
In theory,the principle is sound. But who knows about real world application,which so often brings up something unforeseen.

This guy has plans on his websight for building a hydrogen booster in your workshop. Search his sight. You will see he claims to have a car running completely on hydrogen generated on board.

I have no doubt this is possible,but it would probably use your entire trunk.

I have his plans somewhere on my computer if you want them or cant find them on his sight.P.M me if you want them.I will share them.

It's a pdf file,so you need adobe acrobat. The file is about 320 kb.Too big for this sight to host.

Plans are very clear and detailed. I was going to build one,but havent got to it yet.
I have questions about 'The Covalizer", its makeup ?,
its impact on the environment during its production and/or disposal of its biproduct(s) ?
its cost per mile ?
As part of my job we install generators for our remote sites and we use Thermal Energy Generators (TEG's) and recently we are using some Micro Turbnies. Both very efficient and low emmision.

We were asked by upper management to look at a company that makes hydrogen Fuel cell generators. they proved way too expensive for the power generated and the life expetenccy of the units was poor for the cost. So the tchnology is out there but it is just not very practical yet. the company we looked at does a lot of work for the government and they were trying to break into private business.
I am very sceptical of thier claims but I have had a question burning in my mind for a few years. Why can you not use solar energy, which is free after the initial setup to produce the electricty to do the hydrolysis, then capture the hydrogen and store it in tanks similar to propane tanks? Then it could be used in cars or power plants.

I have questions about 'The Covalizer", its makeup ?,
its impact on the environment during its production and/or disposal of its biproduct(s) ?
its cost per mile ?

sssshhhhh:-$ Covalizer is Hungarian for "gasoline" and the car needs a 20 gallon covalizer tank.ssshhhhh:-$
I am very sceptical of thier claims but I have had a question burning in my mind for a few years. Why can you not use solar energy, which is free after the initial setup to produce the electricty to do the hydrolysis, then capture the hydrogen and store it in tanks similar to propane tanks? Then it could be used in cars or power plants.


We use solar on some of our sites. But the panels would be huge to meet our needs and it does not produce enouhg power for us. But we do use it on smaller sites.
But new solar technology is here. I remember an article in popular mechanics. Was about a company in California that had developed a way to "print " solar panels,much the same as printing a newspaper. Could be transferred to any surface,a building wall,semi trailer,etc.

The companies entire first production run was sold before it was finished and shipped off to europe,for some solar power plant project.

Best of all it was cheap,something like 25% of what it currently costs.

I have not seen or heard anything since and cant remember the companies name.I think they were in silicone valley.
But new solar technology is here. I remember an article in popular mechanics. Was about a company in California that had developed a way to "print " solar panels,much the same as printing a newspaper. Could be transferred to any surface,a building wall,semi trailer,etc. .

Thats interesting. I hadn't heard anything more on 3 demintional printing since M.I.T. and their R&D that produced a tooth brush. Two years ago maybe.
It is imnpossible for them to make the claims they do. A typical engine uses about 30% of th eenergy stored in gasoline. It would be impossible to much more than triple the mileage of a specific vehicle because you would be extracting more energy than is available.