it was a dark and stormy night

And I was not in a good mood to start, so I thought I would go to the bar to pick a fight.
Being the man that I am, I could not hit a member of the fairer sex, so on to the next bar I walked.

There I found some lily white loser accusing me of being an illegal. I told him I was as european as a seagull.

I then asked him what his roots were but I could not understand his slur. Soon after our exchange, he fell off his barstool during the ZZ Top song "LaGrange", lol!

Not wanting to waste such a loser as he could not even stand up, I paid for his beer and told the bartender that i think he's had enough.
Well, by this time I had walked at least 5 miles trying to find a cool bar and I was about done. The bartender was nice enough to give me a half glass of Rumpleminz so I chugged that sucker down and was trying to remember where the hell I lived, lol!

Well, Mr. jag-off left the key in his Ducati so I figured I'd just "borrow" it for the ride home and return it to the bar in the morning. Fk him, I'll even put gas in it and by the time he gets it back, he'll still be praying to the porcelain. Rain or not, i don't care, I've even ridden in the snow.

So here i am, listening to the wonderfull 90 degree V-Twin thump out it's music to my ears and torque to my seat.

Hmmmmm......What's that! Some babe on the side, wet white dress and all! Alright, I'm stopping, crazy ***** or not, it would be nice to have the heat on my back :)
So I ask her if she has ever been on a bike and she says "yeah" so I give her the usual "keep your feet on the pegs and off the exhaust and arms around my waist" routine and ask her where she's headed.

She just says that she's "going to the next bar I'm going to" and figure that's cool. The duck responds with a twist of the wrist and off we are. I had no spare shades to offer her and she never asked for mine. I feel her press her head behind my back to avoid the rain sting. Hmmm. This is nice. Her weight seems to mimic my own as we carefully slice the curves. It's almost a dance as we feel the road, smell the musky night air and power of the duck. Damn good thing the idiot I borrowed the bike from had good taste in tires.

At the next light I feel her shiver and offer her my leather. It takes a bit but it's late and raining and there is no one behind to honk.

We roll into the nearest watering hole and I'm just about to say "carefull, the pipes are hot" when I realize that she's not there. Damn it! I'm just about freak out and run in to the tavern and relay my story "Man! We've got to call 911, the cops, somebody! She could be still be alive if she fell off!"
Everone just freakin' froze. WTF! I'm ready to jump behind the bar and dial 911 when some old grizzly looking biker guy says "Hey, you just ride in on that Ducati?" I said "Yeah, man and I'm looking for that woman that was just riding with me. Damn it man, she was cool. She knew how to ride and I just can't forget her. Did you see her take off? Is she OK? That's all I really care about".
He say's "Let me buy you a Snakebite and let's go outside for a smoke". For those of you who don't know, a Snakebite is Colorado specialty and can't be refused even by gunpoint, lol!

OK, so now i'm in this weird (it was a weird night) mood and wondering WTF? So there we are in the alley and I'm thinking "Fk, I lost this awesome babe-o-rama and I hope this old boy pulls out a fatty or I'm fkn outahere.
We walked a bit past the urine and graffiti stained alley to plant our asses on a curb of the recently abandoned lot of the local realator.

After he asured me that nobody died and the smoke curled aboved our heads and drifted away, his eyes changed from the usual blue to a steely ice.....

Killer blue? Yes, but only in anger. This was not anger, but loss...A cold watery blue.....

There we were in the steady drizzle of a rare wet Colorado fall.
At over 40 years of age, I know when something of value is to be shared by someone with more life experience than I. I waited for his pause and just listened to the life giving rain, pattering on the ground and breathed deep the earthy smell that surrounded us.
We were quiet. He then turned the water blue eyes to me and said "Motorcycles have been my life since flying Corsairs in WWII. Nothing in civilian life can match the thrill. When my daugter decided to marry a young man with the same interests as myself, it just made sense". "I actually liked the boy and he even had the balls to ask for her hand in marriage. The problem is that I told him that he would never have my permission to let my daughter on his Triumph. The english made great engines but their electrical systems always had problems. On the Friday before their wedding day on the 21st day of May in 1968, they went out to get a beer or two at the local tavern. On the way back, he was driving as spirited I would have but the Lucas diode gave out. No lights no hope. He is still alive but paralized and cannot speak to this day. 90 days in a coma, but we got 'em back. I lost my one and only daughter that day. Every now and again someone just like you barrels in with the same story. In just the 10 minutes you met her you fell in love. Just think how I feel".

I was in total shock. Well, sure as **** he noticed I was shivering. His face softened just a bit and he said "boy, your jacket will be in the Englewood graveyard draped over my daughters tombstone. She's never brought a man to me on british bike ever again and the new guys she's brought my way have always become my friend".
LOL, as I wrote this I took some of it from paperback ghost story that I never forgot from grade school. '76 maybe? lol! I embileshed quite a bit on the original story, just to make it my own, but I will never, ever forget those times that my babe of the day rested her head on my shoulder on a long ride in the rain... Then we stripped and towled off and then made a drink.......

Those were the good times. :) See what you started Mac Daddy! This is the end of my PWI (Posting While Intoxicated).