It's Offical! SRT8 Challenger is here to stay!

They would've been insane *not* to release it! All the positive feedback, the tons of sneak videos on YouTube (which are all well-worth searching)... It's clear: The MoPeople have spoken. Give us our Challenger, dammit! :D
I am actually stunned they listened to the public for once...

And a V6 version will be available from what I understand.That is a great idea,as it will boost sales volume.Could mean the new Chally will be around for a while and not just a one hit wonder...

Thats just great.I am one person that actually emailed Chrysler and expressed my approval of buiding that little jewel.Cant take all the credit,but I did my part!
I'm glad to see the project going forward. I was afraid the "new owners"
would drop the project. I can't wait to see the first one on the street!
