It's only a fresh restore once.


2 Darts

A-body Addicted
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Usually in a house
At last ! ! ! After 13 years, a divorce, six moves, 4 different storage/work spaces, and a life altering disease, it is close to being finished. Yesterday I hung the rear bumper and put the exterior door handles and locks on it. It lacks the outside mirrors, radio antenna, a bunch of trim,and ALL of the interior. Oh yes, the piece d' resistance is going to be the install of the valve covers Leanna did for me a few years back.

Getting to the stage where it no longer is inert or needs to have a window down to be able to get in the car, is monumental accomplishment for me. I would be lying if I said I did it all myself. I had some major help with getting it this far. I have had Parkinson's Disease since about five years ago which made it increasingly difficult to even hold a screwdriver. Imagine a "Shaky Jake" hand approaching a fresh paint job while trying to put screws into the panel. (see the introduction of Black Bart (the character played by the late Gene Wilder) to Blazing Saddles, you get the picture).

It began as a parts car. Had terminal vinyl roof rot. Now it is looking more like the car I drove in college (with a lot better muscle, safety, and comfort).

If you or someone you know has PD, get them to see a PD movements specialist if they want to regain control. I now have a digital brain stimulator which has knocked out the quivering right hand. It has helped immensely with the symptoms on the right side. I will get the other side done later this year.







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Wow thats quite a transformation! that was a ton of work especially with the setbacks you've had. Looks great, now go enjoy it!
Wow, good for you!
I bet you're at the point where even one trip around the block will be indescribable.

My brother was diagnosed with PD about a year ago. I don't see him on a regular basis so don't know how he's doing. I wish you the best.
Awesome work. Saw a documentary on parkensons and how certain chemicals in marijuana can actually calm the tremors down and let you feel normal, except for having the munchies. But seriously that's great that you have persevered like that.
Looks great lots of good body work there gettin ready to start body on my 72 Dart.
Love the avatar Ole Red Green is a hoot
Congratulations on getting this far! The car looks great, that color combo is one of my favorites.