Japanese Eye Test



FABO Gold Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Just North of Montana
If you cannot decipher anything, then try pulling the
corner of your eyes as if you were Japanese. Keep
pulling until your eyes are almost closed...It works.
Too FUNNY not to pass on


  • mime-attachment.jpg
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i dont get it ....i dont see anything ....whats supposed to be there???
Hmmmm.......try squinting and looking at it. Maybe you are slightly affected by this condition! :D
nope i see a robot ....it says no on the top ....what is a robot that says no mean??? this is very strange..... i dont get it
LOL. That's funny. I saw it right away but I'm half japanese. I then squinted more and it was even more clear ........confirming that I must be half japanese. LOL
someone PMed me with whats supposed to be there .......makes sense bcoz im not Japanese, plus i really dont know anything about all that anyway .....you guys are funny ....where you find this stuff i will never know LMAO :toothy9:
Rani- I am amazed because I think the fellah's actually held back because they didn't want to insult/hurt your feelings/offend you.

Chivalry is not totally dead, no?
you guys have to be joking right i read it before i read the post lol hum if your serious maybe try going kind of cross eyed like the magic eye pictures
My eyes are hurting from staring at this different ways. I do not get it. Can someone pm me on this.
I can't stop laughing at Rani's post!
I see a robot? nope i see a robot ....it says no on the top ....what is a robot that says no mean??? this is very strange..... i dont get it

Sorry Rani,you made my day!

I looked and looked and looked at this until I got a head ache, then once I figured it out I would have to agree its true !!!

Blind as a bat--- Bob
I can't read it with my glasses on, took them off and it's clear as a bell, go figure.