Job Search not so good



Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Mill Valley, Ca
I normally keep to myself on this site but I am getting really overwhelmed with the job market. I got let go from my job of 8 years in 2009. I have a great resume and have had quite a few bites and interviews but I haven't got a stable position. I interviewed with Apple last wednesday and thought I did well but found out yesterday they chose someone else. About a month ago I got a freelance job with a company and I can work from home and make decent money but they only gave me about 40 hours in two weeks. They haven't given me another project in two weeks. I am about to start liquidating things again. I worked for about 8 years to get my GTS off an old "friend" and hate to get rid of it but I have a 17 month old daughter and I am sick of my wife having to cover me. Anyways I guess I just need to vent. I know alot of folks are in the same boat.

This is not a thread to have people donate money to my cause... Just venting.
It's always the hardest on family's that have children or family members at home that don't work because there is no jobs for them. My wife was laid off 2 weeks ago and my 2 sons don't have jobs and one has a part time job.
My middle son is the one who is working and plans to get married because his GF is pregnant with twins. It's hard all over,I hope you find something soon.
Sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you and your family.

I'm still looking for my first real job out of college. I graduated in Aug. '09 with a B.A. in Geographic Information Systems. The problem I keep running into is that most of the entry level positions listed require anywhere from 2 to 3 years of professional experience working in the field. Obviously, I don't have the work experience because I was going to school full time. I probably should have applied for an internship while I was there. Oh well, lesson learned I guess...

And I'm just venting as well...
You voted for Obama didn't you? lol j/k

The economy sucks right now and it might be 15 or more years (they say) before it will turn around IF it ever does. I listen to a political channel on the radio ALL day long EVERY day at work (believe me it is not by choice) and to make a long story short it will be AWHILE before things get better. We could go on to the end of time about the economic situation and there will be nothing actually done to whole time to improve it. That to me is the problem.... government, congress, news agencies, radio political new, etc... all sit around and talk about the economy but do NOTHING about it.

Before the economy went south my wife and I got a divorce. The living conditions around here was she had two kids (not mine), her Jeep payment, and she couldn't keep a job. I told her to make the Jeep payment and I will take care of the rest. She couldn't do that. She get fired over the stupidest stuff. So you know who had to work his *** off don't you??? I was working a full time job and taking on side jobs after work and on weekends. I still do that now but the money goes in MY pocket. As I was going through the divorce I was blaming God, and not a peachy person to be around during the whole time of the divorce. I got my feeling hurt and was pissed off at the same time. But now after seeing the economy go south I have became aware that God was actually doing me a favor. He saw it coming. He lifted the bind I was in off me and gave me freedom. All I need is shelter, water, and food. So no matter how bad things get I might have a chance because I don't have to support other individuals. I know it doesn't help you at all in your situation but thought I share the part about blaming God. You got to do what you got to do to support your family. Its like me... I chose to put myself in that bind and I had to do what I had to do but God led my out.
Sorry to hear from all of you that are not doing so well. I am very blessed that I just landed a 3 year contract with Sears to install appliances and this contract covers a very wide area of NC. If any of you were closer, I would have been able to use some of you for appliance installs. I have hired one guy with a truck and trailer and me with my Van to cover these areas. As of Monday the new contract goes into effect and I will be working long hours. I will be making less on every job as my bids to get this contract were the low bidder, but I have worked very hard to earn this contract and am very fortunate I got it. Prayers sent for all who are going through a rough time financially.
Thanks for letting me vent. I got best wishes for all you guys or your family that is strugling. Also I didn't vote for Obama.
Thanks for letting me vent. I got best wishes for all you guys or your family that is strugling. Also I didn't vote for Obama.

Nothing wrong with venting your frustrations. I have been there and it seems like you will never get ahead but keep your spirits up and pray, put it in God's hands.

If you know Linux, HostGator is on a hiring blitz as well as RackSpace for Unix/RedHat/Windows. Both are huge server farms here in San Antonio.

Hopefully something will pop up close to home for you.