June 6th



Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
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Heart of Georgia

American's are still proud of what was accomplished.
Yes... If you are a True American... Sadly.. there are plenty of Folks living in this country whom have misplaced their Patriotism.
Ask kids today and they don't have a clue what today stands for.
Thanks for sharing
Something that usually gets left out when people talk about D-Day is that it was not just the United States that took part in Operation Overlord. The armed forces of 12 allied nations, including Australia, Canada, Belgium, France, Czechoslovakia, Greece, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States, were all involved. Granted, the US had the worst of it on the beaches of Omaha and Utah, but we must remember the sacrifices of ALL involved.
the problem is so many millions of our population? do not have a clue what sacrifies have been made to insure their freedom, yet so many choose to throw s**& in the faces of these brave Americans , that fought, died, maimed, gave all..... for every person that resides in this country. sad
I talk to some college students and what I get is the world's so messed up because of your generation. Give us a chance to fix the problems. Hard to talk to a liberal generation. They are in favor of a Bernie Sanders presidency because they like what he says. But then they can't tell you what he said. Confused younger generation.
Bring back the poll tax and raise the voting age to 30!

I've also heard the idea that only property owners should be allowed to vote.
But the problem with that is that some retired people do not own property anymore.
Perhaps a property owner could vote without a pole tax.
If one does not own property, they could pay a pole tax to vote.
Like any of that would ever fly.
Universal suffrage is the downfall of the country.
With out "skin in the game" people will always vote for the free stuff....

The lengths some people will go to try and get something for free is outrageous.
Lie, cheat and steal if they have to.
My Mother in law swaps price tags in the frickin Good Will store, or buys a 50 cent purse and claim that all the stuff in it was already there and therefore she should get it with the purse for free. (but she took all the price tags off and stuck it all in their)
She would offer to take us out to lunch and then buy ONE sandwich and ask for another plate so my Wife and I could share it, AND THEN sit there and watch us eat without ordering anything. (I ordered another sandwich and she stuck have of it in a napkin in her purse and told us we didn't need to eat that much)
She sent us a check for Christmas one year (last year?) for four people, and the check was for 10 bucks.

If I didn't know you all so well I would have been to embarrassed for her to even tell you. :D

Jees, looking at all that written out it looks like a Rodney Dangerfield skit. :D

Sorry for jacking your thread up with that Frankie, but there wasn't a "My Mother in law is a thief and a liar" topic listed anywhere"
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I know I grew up in the 60's, but things are certainly different today. I'm retired and working part time and have comments made about not working.
When I was young I was taught about investing, saving, and planning for retirement.
Kids today talk about how the government has to provide for them because they have it so hard.
In the National Archives there is another letter, hand-written by Eisenhower but set aside, in case the D-Day invasion ended up a failure:


The letter is mistakenly dated July 5 (should have been June 5) as he surely had a lot on his mind at the time he wrote it.
Here is what it says:

"Our landings in the Cherbourg-Havre area have failed to gain a satisfactory foothold and I have withdrawn the troops. My decision to attack at this time and place was based upon the best information available. The troops, the air and the Navy did all that Bravery and devotion to duty could do. If any blame or fault attaches to the attempt it is mine alone."
the problem is so many millions of our population? do not have a clue what sacrifies have been made to insure their freedom, yet so many choose to throw s**& in the faces of these brave Americans , that fought, died, maimed, gave all..... for every person that resides in this country. sad

Who are you speaking of? 1960's hippies? Young people in this country have been fighting, and dying, in wars for the last 15yrs while you complain about their generation from the comfort of your armchair.. Who is throwing **** in their faces? So tell Ms. America, what did YOU do for this country that gives you the right to judge "so many millions"?

Care to post your DD 214? That's what I thought.
With out "skin in the game" people will always vote for the free stuff....

Fitting for a thread about 1944. Ya know, in the 3rd term of the most socialist president ever. Ever hear of the "New Deal". Or of executive order 6102? While most herald the WW2 era as the peak of American nationalism it was also the ushering in of Big Gubment getting Bigger, Free stuff, and the nanny state. Possibly the most un-Constitutional era in our history.
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the problem is so many millions of our population? do not have a clue what sacrifies have been made to insure their freedom, yet so many choose to throw s**& in the faces of these brave Americans , that fought, died, maimed, gave all..... for every person that resides in this country. sad

No Mr. Seebee, I did not serve in the military. never suggested that I did. I stand by my statement. that simple.
No Mr. Seebee, I did not serve in the military. never suggested that I did. I stand by my statement. that simple.

Sorry for the snark, this topic gets me heated.

I have never seen, ever, someone throw **** (non-literal) in the face of a WW2 veteran. Ever. I have never seen someone throw **** in the faces of active military or veterans. Post 9/11 military support and appreciation has been at an all time high. Does it exist somewhere? Sure. WW2 Veterans are cherished now more than ever. So who are these millions of unappreciative and ****-face throwers? Is this a 1960's flashback?

I understand there are plenty of polarizing topics going on today but I don't see WW2 vet bashing as one of them.
Bashing the brave souls who serve, or have served this country take no courage and less brains.
By the mere fact that these people are willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of the country, and everyone of u places each of them beyond reproach.
Yes, there are a handful who have turned their backs after enlisting, but that is an extreme rarity. The overwhelmingly vast majority of enlistees, regardless of political bent, are steadfast, trustworthy, brave, and loyal to the country, the flag, and the people.

We have a tendency to let one bad apple spoil the bushel, but, the reality is quite different.
Kudos to ALL who have served honorably, faithfully, and loyally. You have my undying gratitude, respect, and admiration. Thank you for your service t this country.
Sorry for the snark, this topic gets me heated.

I have never seen, ever, someone throw **** (non-literal) in the face of a WW2 veteran. Ever. I have never seen someone throw **** in the faces of active military or veterans. Post 9/11 military support and appreciation has been at an all time high. Does it exist somewhere? Sure. WW2 Veterans are cherished now more than ever. So who are these millions of unappreciative and ****-face throwers? Is this a 1960's flashback?

I understand there are plenty of polarizing topics going on today but I don't see WW2 vet bashing as one of them.

as the comments here had drifted away from the WW11 D Day in general, I made a broad statement. not directed at any WW11 vets for sure. my dad served 20 odd years in the Marine corpo, and fought in 4 yrs of ww!! and 1 tour of Korea.
i'm not getting in to pissing match or political argument, but just look at how way the veterans admin. (US govn't) treats vets??? for just one example. the list is long. nuff said,.