now what about increasing the amount of posts per page to around 40, like it was last time, that way there isnt a whole bunch of pages to click through...
Ill look into it.
now what about increasing the amount of posts per page to around 40, like it was last time, that way there isnt a whole bunch of pages to click through...
Many pictures in threads are not viewable, and do not populate as you look at the thread. When I look at my thread the pictures are visible. But you all probably know this.
can't multi-quote apparently or I'd have put my 'this looks awful' on top, but if you want more to be a little more specific?
-- Some people have difficulty accepting change, - Oh well !! -- Keep up the good work.Yes. In my experience doing the other sites --- some people love it out of the box, others hate it -- but they come around after a few days.
Everyone please, do what you can to help members when they ask. If your not sure about something, message me.
Is there no more N+P forum?
now what about increasing the amount of posts per page to around 40, like it was last time, that way there isnt a whole bunch of pages to click through...
Also on forums/threads it doesn't show similar threads down at the bottom anymore - that bums me out.
Have we lost all our old PMs forever??? Otherwise me likey so far.