Just got a 6 week " vacation"



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2015
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Concord. North Clackalaky
Been informed that work is shutting down for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
Thankfully I don't have HUGE bills but nonetheless.....
I'll be 65 in May. Might just go ahead and retire instead of waiting until 66 like I was going to.
Social Security office was closed. I just stopped by there.
Bojangles is drive through only.

Maybe I'll get some stuff done on the wagon if l don't have to spend a lot.
I am afraid our work will shut down as well . Except I still have to go to the office every day ! Just wont get paid .... Lol

Thats what it was like in 08.
Been informed that work is shutting down for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
Thankfully I don't have HUGE bills but nonetheless.....
I'll be 65 in May. Might just go ahead and retire instead of waiting until 66 like I was going to.
Social Security office was closed. I just stopped by there.
You don't necessarily need to go to their office. I recently started collecting my social security and did everything on line. I did have a couple of minor problems which I took care of over the phone. Just call them early in the day before it gets busy.
My wingman needs a copy of his SS card, so he came up here from the neighboring village to their office. It was open, but not for that variety of business :BangHead:. He had similar luck with the County Clerk :BangHead:. Good excuse to go out to lunch :D
You didn't specifically say, but it sounds like the closure is due to the current COVID-19 situation. Right?
I was sent home from work yesterday and told to work from home because I'm over 65. At least the paychecks are going to continue.
I don't mind working from home but it's a pain to not be able to access everything I need while at home as easily as I could if I was in my office.
First of all -Thank you for your responses.
I do not work in an office.
I cannot " bring my work home"
I do not have a computer. I actually despise the fu*king things. What took me nearly 90 minutes to do today " on the computer", l could have done in 5 minutes with a piece of paper and a pencil .
When all was said and done, l walked out of there STILL not being totally signed up BECAUSE the "COMPUTER" wasn't " working right" The workers there even could not get it to respond.
I do all my " computer work" on my phone. Just as l am doing right now.

I work on a NASCAR team. I am a welder / fabricator. I build ****. I fix **** when it breaks , gets torn up, whatever. No "computer" that l am aware of can do what I do. I will agree they MAY aide you but.....
I have yet to see a "computer" clean and repack a wheel bearing. Set the backlash on a 8 3/4 rear. Cut out a rusty floor pan and weld in a new section. Replace a tail light bulb on a 50 year old car. Replace brake shoes. Etc etc etc. I could go on and....... well ..on...
Another example while I am ranting.
Went to local NAPA store to get a specific breather cap for the Offy valve cover for the slanty.
I had a picture of what I wanted. Taken right off another thread right here. ( slant 6 engines).
Took three -3! - guys looking it up on the " computer" and STILL. couldn't find it.
4th guy ( old timer) said let's look in the book. Found it right away.
So much for your friggn' " computers"

Next time, I'll tell you how l REALLY feel !
I retired at 65. Soon as I could get on Medicare. The little more I could have drawn per month by working an extra year, wasn't worth it to me. Social Security is set up so that you pretty much are supposed to draw the same total dollars over the years regardless of when you retire. I think somewhere in the 80's is the break even. Lower amount for a longer period of time, or higher amount for a shorter.
I retired at 65. Soon as I could get on Medicare. The little more I could have drawn per month by working an extra year, wasn't worth it to me. Social Security is set up so that you pretty much are supposed to draw the same total dollars over the years regardless of when you retire. I think somewhere in the 80's is the break even. Lower amount for a longer period of time, or higher amount for a shorter.

You're 100% right. That's why I started collecting at 65 and still kept working. Went back to work at a lower paying job that I really enjoy after an earlier retirement. The working income helps fund my '69 Dart build.
Been informed that work is shutting down for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
Thankfully I don't have HUGE bills but nonetheless.....
I'll be 65 in May. Might just go ahead and retire instead of waiting until 66 like I was going to.
Social Security office was closed. I just stopped by there.
Bojangles is drive through only.

Maybe I'll get some stuff done on the wagon if l don't have to spend a lot.
You can apply for SS online, dont even have to appear.
Been informed that work is shutting down for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
Thankfully I don't have HUGE bills but nonetheless.....
I'll be 65 in May. Might just go ahead and retire instead of waiting until 66 like I was going to.
Social Security office was closed. I just stopped by there.
Bojangles is drive through only.

Maybe I'll get some stuff done on the wagon if l don't have to spend a lot.
Retire! I did in 2011, Best thing I could have done. The virus has little effect on the wife and I. Lets see I got nothing on my list tomorrow and I need to get right on it. I pass my time working on old classic and muscle cars.
I waited until I was 66 so I could still work any amount of time that I wish without being penalized. I work for 3 different individuals & rack up about 20-30 hours every two weeks. It keeps me in walking around money & finances my bracket car habit. Once everything settles back down, call the SSA & find out what age you need to be for unlimited work. It may save you grief in the long run, just in case a job comes up that you really want to take part in. JMO
Unprecedented time for the business man both far and abroad.... We went from busy to dried up in over a week. My industry (commercial printing) cater to Restaurants, sports, you name it and it's all come to a halt. Not excited but the sun will rise tomorrow and we'll take another whack at it....

My advice to those who are in my situation would be don't offer to leave early, take on task that are asked of you, and even throw a dose of being pro-active for the company (maybe organize a work area.) Most business owners want their baby to keep going and they appreciate you doing your part helping out.....

This time we are "All" in this together.....

I went from working on a Guillermo Del Toro film, poised to start a Judd Apatow film that was supposed to start Monday the 16th. The last big movie I was on was supposed to come out this week but is delayed (a quiet place2). Also all of my work as a stagehand is “postponed” no concerts, plays or otherwise. At least I have cars to work on. I feel bad leaving the family in the morning, but my shop was is a half mile down the road and I am the only occupant. Pretty crazy... We will get by... We will survive
First of all -Thank you for your responses.
I do not work in an office.
I cannot " bring my work home"
I do not have a computer. I actually despise the fu*king things. What took me nearly 90 minutes to do today " on the computer", l could have done in 5 minutes with a piece of paper and a pencil .
When all was said and done, l walked out of there STILL not being totally signed up BECAUSE the "COMPUTER" wasn't " working right" The workers there even could not get it to respond.
I do all my " computer work" on my phone. Just as l am doing right now.

I work on a NASCAR team. I am a welder / fabricator. I build ****. I fix **** when it breaks , gets torn up, whatever. No "computer" that l am aware of can do what I do. I will agree they MAY aide you but.....
I have yet to see a "computer" clean and repack a wheel bearing. Set the backlash on a 8 3/4 rear. Cut out a rusty floor pan and weld in a new section. Replace a tail light bulb on a 50 year old car. Replace brake shoes. Etc etc etc. I could go on and....... well ..on...
Another example while I am ranting.
Went to local NAPA store to get a specific breather cap for the Offy valve cover for the slanty.
I had a picture of what I wanted. Taken right off another thread right here. ( slant 6 engines).
Took three -3! - guys looking it up on the " computer" and STILL. couldn't find it.
4th guy ( old timer) said let's look in the book. Found it right away.
So much for your friggn' " computers"

Next time, I'll tell you how l REALLY feel !
My guess is you have figured out how to access this forum by putting tin foil on the rabbit ear antenna hooked to your Zenith TV,,, yep computers are useless.
My guess is you have figured out how to access this forum by putting tin foil on the rabbit ear antenna hooked to your Zenith TV,,, yep computers are useless.[/QUO

Damn near figured me out.
17 channels on rabbit ears. No tinfoil.
Close enough to big city to pick them up.
Granted - some channels sell purses and women's shoes. Couple of cartoon channels. I don't watch much but when l do it is MeTv or similar.
And the local news. That's about it.
LB arena just laid off everyone except 2 full time electricians and the security contract employees. Hourly has been dropped to 2 days/16 hours a week or laid off entirely. Nothing going on here until possibly May so..yeah. We are offering home dispatch (drive company truck home) to anyone that wants it so if gas rationing hit we'll still be able to get to work. All office staff that works in front of a terminal are getting work from home packages.. I guess Im lucky to be in the utility sector as we have no plans to halt any infrastructure work and are actually seeing an uptick in work due to home bound students and workers and of course the local rains. Taking it day by day.
Been informed that work is shutting down for at least 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
Thankfully I don't have HUGE bills but nonetheless.....
I'll be 65 in May. Might just go ahead and retire instead of waiting until 66 like I was going to.
Social Security office was closed. I just stopped by there.
Bojangles is drive through only.

Maybe I'll get some stuff done on the wagon if l don't have to spend a lot.
Can you sign up for unemployment? That might buy you some time to get your retirement figured out the way you want it.
get a job with Amazon or the local grocery store. Amazon said they are hiring 100,000 for their fulfillment centers and night stocking jobs at local markets are available. I hear Amazon fulfillment is a terrible back breaking grind though. Quotas, dick supervisors/leads...etc. Normal working conditions!