Just wondering..

'67 valiant floor shift ps 'column', waiting on pics still.

Front 'windshield' for a '67 valiant sedan/4 door, found the seal but no glass.

950 holley, lookin at 2 on ebay.
Don't have any of them parts or I would help you out Justin. I have a PS column I just took out of my 75 Duster. It is a column shift though. Some parts missing in the top end. Think I keep most of them.
Yes, Told the guy in the thread I would either just pay the price or hook him up with a performer intake that he said he wanted, he never said anything after that and a couple days later says it's sold.

it's done now, f it.
I just thought it was a really nice functional piece and I really dug on the classic weiand logo.

To whoever got it, enjoy it.

Do you still want one? Maybe with a couple of Carters? (And you might want to clean up the mailbox a bit).
Front 'windshield' for a '67 valiant sedan/4 door, found the seal but no glass.

Got one on a 67 Dart if you need it. Don't really want to ship it though. Maybe it can get sent via friends somehow? PM if interested
Hey thanks Rev, but I'm over the whole tunnel ram thing, I appreciate the offer though.

No problem Wild, I thought I saw that you were looking and had decided that I might off mine, if you wanted it. Good luck to you though.......

If C will hold on to that windshield for you, it would give me a valid reason to head to phoenix...
Hey thanks Rev, but I'm over the whole tunnel ram thing, I appreciate the offer though.

No problem Wild, I thought I saw that you were looking and had decided that I might off mine, if you wanted it. Good luck to you though.......

Sorry brah I been busy all day,thanks.
I actually am looking at b motor tunnel rams.
....and I explained to you in great detail everything that ocurred that I did not need them. No need to leave all that information out and basically tell a lie. I had no idea I was going to end up with the 8.75 out from under my scamp. The friend I know in south Georgia changed his mind on the car. Which is fine. He is still my friend. I told you about all of that. I also told you I appreciated you holding them. I will be more than glad to send you a money order for whatever you think your time was worth. I didn't berate him on an internet forum for changing his mind like you have me. That left me with a totally complete 8.750 rear axle, so I had no use for your axles or backing plates. No need to leave all that out. I am glad we didn't do business now. I am honest to a fault. I see that you are not.

Hey I didn't say who it was! But I guess everyone knows now, don't they! Your Bad!
Please pay now mind to post 113. I replied after reading his comment waaaaay back on page one. I wouldn't have posted that comment if I had known he was banned
oh now way dude....kinda hard to ignore that one..it just screams out "hey Lookit me" :hello2:
Please pay now mind to post 113. I replied after reading his comment waaaaay back on page one. I wouldn't have posted that comment if I had known he was banned
Been there, seen that. Basically tho, between the old grind of day-to-day, etc., don't hit the site as much as I would like. When I bought my last one 17 years ago, I had 3 local friends that were also into them. Now its just me and I have aload of Dart parts I can't give away. Send me a list, maybe we can both get happy. Just don't give up tho, I drive mine to work 68 miles each day, and you would not believe some of the looks I get!
And I'm taking it that wilbanks is backing out, since he has not returned any pm's since saying he'd sell the column to me..

I have dealt with wilbanks before and he is a good guy to deal with HOWEVER he is slower than $h!t at returning PM's....so hang in there and he might get back to you.