Justin Figgatt...Actual Investigation is Underway by Police...Need Victims Info

So as @4spdragtop mentioned, it looks like he used your property as a dumping ground.
Also, hopefully he's not using the property to "hide" questionable items I would check to make sure.
UPDATE: Justin figgatt does not have a contractors license for any business, confirmed by the sheriffs office of Dinwiddie county. We talked to the sheriff guy in Brunswick that arrested him in 2016 for his car parts scam. Cop said not enough people showed up to testify, otherwise he would still be in prison. Only 3 people showed up. When we turn him in, it is a class 1 misdemeanor, possibly a felony because he is a repeat offender. He lied on the phone in front of us when the sheriffs asked if he had a license. They investigated FINALLY after I called 4 different times. Dinwiddie is slow, but Brunswick was all over it.
So as @4spdragtop mentioned, it looks like he used your property as a dumping ground.
Also, hopefully he's not using the property to "hide" questionable items I would check to make sure.
He may have. The county is finally aware of this guy. He has been doing this for a while because he doesn’t even hesitate to spew his BS. Our sheriff got humbled when Justin lied right to him about having a contractors license. It’s been an experience. We won’t back down. I can’t stand people like him. Hope he goes away for a long time, but we doubt it. The law hates people like us.
UPDATE: Justin Figgatt has currently been indicted in two counties. Brunswick county on child support charges, and Dinwiddie County for Tree Theft. He is currently bouncing around working for FEMA doing hurricane cleanup. So whenever he gets pulled over, he will be brought back to deal with the charges. His current GF is trying her best to mediate any negative stuff on social media. He opened LLC’s in several states to make it harder to find him.
Googlin took me here.

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I don’t have the information on this one because it has been years but it seems this type of people are on quite a few sites and I’m dealing with one now on mopar swap Facebook. Sent payment for parts and shipping he got payment when i contacted him for a tracking number he works seven days a week will get to it goes ballistic about me not being patient. So this happens quite often and the”law” sees that it is not in the millions so we are small potatoes. Hope you get the outcome you want.