Kidney stones



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
As said Kidney stonesssssssssssssssssssssssssss what a bummer to have.I just got rid of them.Went to the hospital last wednesday morning thinking I was dyeing spent 9 hours there, and I just passed them yesterday lost 4 days of work and was so dope up on morphine:wack: i like my weed but not that stuff .I must say the Nurses and Doctors at BGH were great.So to you that may have not had them be for, my advice drink lots of water to rid the calcium in your body.One person that made me laugh there was our very own Night Moves who said what are you doing here you working on a Chevey.:violent1:
Damn. Am glad you're on the mend. ...and Night Moves? You for real? I am surprised yer still kickin.

[ame=""]Family Guy - Kidney Stone - YouTube[/ame]
A guy I work with just went through this. They put a stint up him to help get rid of them.
He had it pulled out the other day, he said it wasn't much fun getting that thing pulled out!
I'm a weed guy myself and found Demerol OK, in fact I had hernia surgery with that alone, was wide awake during the 45 min surgery in Toronto.

I got Demerol back in the 80's when I wiped out and broke my lower leg bones-both and my hip and my upper jaw. Next time ask for that instead. 80 cc's I got every 4 hours back in the 80's but with the hernia I got only 50 cc's, still made me feel comfy and pain free--well it did hurt a few times but it quickly past.

Beats being 90% out of it like most the other guys. My nurse was like, well see how you do with just the Demerol but I have a shot ready for you if needed. I was in a great mood start to finish, laughing, joking..after what I went through in the 80's, this was nothing.

UGH, waking up with a mouth full of blood cause the machine that pumps the blood out of your lungs malfunction might had been the low point of my 19 days in the hospital--or was it the first night when I woke up still covered in blood at 1 am and cried out how come I wasn't cleaned up a bit and the nurse goes cause they likely didn't think you live 12 hours ago. Bath time starts at 6 am, we clean you up then, I was pissed but blacked right out--they must have gave me a knock out drug. Woke up again at 4 am and they came early and washed me up a bit.

Nobody told me for a week my jaw was busted, just knew I lost some front hurts more once you know about it I was told !
I get them from time to time. They are so damn painful!!!! Had one about a year ago that was stuck in me for almost a month and I just kept working with it and finally was able to pass it. Man the pain is unbearable!!!!!
Got one once. Couldn't sit, couldn't stand, threw up, thought I was dying. It felt like a football going through me. When it passed, I felt like a wimp(it was the size of a grain of sand). But it was instant relief.

When I feel one coming now, I guzzle water, beer, and coffee till it passes. Glad you are feeling better Snake.
Pissssssssss well my friend.:drunken:
couple times a year for me. wouldnt wish it on anyone. after a dozen you atleast know wahts coming.
LMAO........Snake...BEER and CRANBERRY juice not nesssssarly in that order or together. Glad your better. Sorry i had no time to chat......Dam busted up people..LOL
Oh hell, sorry to hear that!
I've had 'em, I've passed 'em. When I finally passed my first one, I looked at that and thought "that caused all that pain???" Looked like coffee grounds. Bad news is once you get 'em, your likely to keep on getting them.
Oh hell, sorry to hear that!
I've had 'em, I've passed 'em. When I finally passed my first one, I looked at that and thought "that caused all that pain???" Looked like coffee grounds. Bad news is once you get 'em, your likely to keep on getting them.

Ia thatssss what I was told but to help keet it away drink like 3 glasses of water a day.
Ia thatssss what I was told but to help keet it away drink like 3 glasses of water a day.
3 glasses of water, thats it? I drink 64oz min everyday. If I go to the gym it well over a 128oz.
Been there done that, several times over and over :pale:
Used to get them every month. I had the stent, lithotripsy twice etc etc :( They ended up finding out my calcium level was through the roof so I had surgery to remove the gland that makes calcium. I still get them once in awhile but I can pass them fiarly easy now with mininal pain. I think it's becasue I am so stetched out in those areas it passes with too much trouble :D
I feel your pain though Bro.
I had one two years ago that I could not pass so they went up my pecker and blasted it into smaller pieces so they would pass. I get about two a year.
I had one once and when I was whacking off I shot a hole in the ceiling. LOL

My dog has them. The vet put him on a special Science Diet food. Just took him in last Thur to see if the food alone is helping, or we need to put him on pills like my last older one that got them...

Let me know if you would like to know which formula so you can get a prescription for yourself from your vet... LOL!

Seriously, I hope you feel better and don't get anymore.
My dog has them. The vet put him on a special Science Diet food. Just took him in last Thur to see if the food alone is helping, or we need to put him on pills like my last older one that got them...

Let me know if you would like to know which formula so you can get a prescription for yourself from your vet... LOL!

Seriously, I hope you feel better and don't get anymore.

you know if I was Kramer I would likely:happy7: take you up on that LOL.
My hat's off to you. Had three of them but not all at the same time! Even childbirth is less painful - or so I'm told.