Kilduff machine shifters?



Active Member
Jun 26, 2010
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Hi all just wondering if anyone is running one of the above shifters and if so what are your thoughts on them,any pics would be cool to.Need to pick a shifter for a 68 dart drag car,727 full manual,Thanks in advance.... :burnout:John................
Those are really cool looking, seem to be decently functional but id rather see a members testimonial than the websites display model lol
Cheetah scs, all the rest just suck, ESPECIALLY if you are really racing.

To each hs own. I've had three Cheetahs and I didn't like any of them. I'd rather have a B&M Pro Ratchet any day of the week.
well the thing that turns me off is that it states you can use a B&M or hurst brackets/shifter arm....

NO... they are different lengths and angles...

the trans bracket for the hurst as an angle to it and the B/M is vertical

the shifter arm on the hurst is longer if i remember than the B/M...
Factory SlapSticks are still the best. (unless you have a reverse valve body)
Cheetah scs, all the rest just suck, ESPECIALLY if you are really racing.

Really I sure don't agree PPP rocks.....

Cops nail you for having Brass knuckles when they see that shifter! pull up and push, kinda like a 99 buck Z gate?
That Kilduff shifter looks too much like GM trash to me. No thanks.

Are there any in-line shifters that ratchet back to center, like a motorcycle shifter?
To each hs own. I've had three Cheetahs and I didn't like any of them. I'd rather have a B&M Pro Ratchet any day of the week.

Really I sure don't agree PPP rocks.....


Can't miss a gear, they never wear out no need to squeeze, simple, smooth push or pull, no squeezing or muscling, no sticking gates...
they have optional thumb or finger use line loc, n2o, trans brake or whatever buttons all at the thumb or fingers reach....
They don't break no matter how hard you hammer them, they work great for all types of racing whether going in one or 2 directions with the shifter all day. . . .

I reiterate, all the rest suck
Thanks for all the quick reply's,I think they look very cool indeed,You can customize them and can even replace the stock centre console if you want.If they look too chev for ya well i guess each to his own,would be good to here from someone running one currently!The pull up before smashing the next gear is a bit of a turn off but may become second nature once you get used to it who knows?Im waiting on a price for a custom set up with reverse lock out and will decide from there,The guy is even going to make it for right hand drive if required.Will be interesting anyway......