Laptop Broke

make sure everything is disconnected when booting up as far pen drives, memory cards, external hard drives....

i had a similar thing happen and it was a shorted pen drive that didnt let it boot.

did you try safe mode ? shutting off un-necassary drivers to boot up
send it to me ....i will see if i can get it fixed and i will send it back to you fixed.... simple as that.

In India we are all computer hacks bcoz thats where all the tech support goes and thats where they test a lot of the upcoming models.....i have software engineer cousins that can prolly fix it over the phone, if i cant myself LOL dell was built by them with a lot parts that had not even been released yet at the time LOL

but seriously i know your on a budget, if i can get it fixed then it will just cost you shipping to get it over here. just sayin.

Sorry to hear your Laptop got Deleted....Too many strokes...
Well it always something...I wish I had an extra,I would mail it to ya...
Well it always something...I wish I had an extra,I would mail it to ya...

Nah no worries on that Martin. Mary uses hers very little. I guess her seeing me laying around all day.
Lance when Cliff leaves the house his Son ....
the laptop dance! - YouTube

That was just Wrong.