Last one to post in this thread wins!

I was just thinking about the story of the ignorant person who added oil to their car through the dipstick tube. lol. Or the one where the person filled the oil to the top to where you could see it in the valve cover. That one is a little far fetched for me to believe but possible I guess.
They're out there BP and they breed too.
It was cold out there this morning but has warmed up to around 1 degree. My wife and I sat outside and enjoyed the warm sun with a cup of tea. Then the clouds started moving in and cooled down really quite.
3 days ago this was green grass.
Yes gonna have to buy a new one the one I have is kinda shitty and that is the stock adjusting rod so gonna make a new one as well.
Wish at times I could make me new again lost my favorite tape measure today and finally found it attached to my pants pocket. lol