Last one to post in this thread wins!

You guys all go for walks when I work so I figure if I dont want to get fat staying at home I need to do things here. I am still avoiding that honey do list.
God help ya the wife can make life hard if ya don't do the honey dooo list.
Still single so the only honey do list I have is take the garbage out when it starts to pile up. lol
I'm still working 8 to 9 hours a day, get some exercise there, some days I take my dogs out after work if my wife hasn't been able to during the day, and I'm not too tired.
watching paint dry AGAIN...
She’s quarantined, no sun ! Besides she’s a red head they burn easier in the sun , and Fred if you look in the cup I’m pretty sure it’s beer in there , a man can always dream :poke:
She should have thought of that before she took her cloths off. :)